Understanding Apara & Para Vairagya – A Complete Guide

by | Dec 6, 2023 | Philosophy

Vairagya is a term from Indian philosophy, particularly in the context of yoga and spiritual practices. It is often translated as “dispassion” or “detachment” and refers to the state of being free from attachment to material desires and the outcomes of one’s actions.

There are two levels of Vairagya known as Apara Vairagya and Para Vairagya and this is considered a crucial aspect of spiritual progress and is cultivated to attain a higher state of consciousness.

‘Apara Vairagya’ and ‘Para Vairagya’ are concepts of Vairagya often discussed in yogic texts like the Bhagavad Gita and other philosophical treatises.

Apara Vairagya is the lower or preliminary form of renunciation, which involves withdrawing from external objects and desires, while Para Vairagya is a higher and more profound level of renunciation that goes beyond external detachment to a deep inner state of non-attachment.

Two Levels of Vairagya - Apara and Para

Apara Vairagya (External Detachment)

‘Apara’ means lower or inferior, and ‘Vairagya’ translates to detachment or dispassion. Apara Vairagya refers to a form of detachment that is more external and involves giving up certain worldly possessions or activities without necessarily transcending the attachments in one’s mind.

Result Of Apara Vairagya

Apara Vairagya involves renouncing the external aspects of life, such as material possessions, relationships, and certain activities. It is a preliminary stage of detachment where individuals consciously choose to distance themselves from the external world as a means to reduce worldly entanglements.

Practicing Apara Vairagya may involve adopting a simpler lifestyle, reducing materialistic pursuits, and withdrawing from certain societal engagements. It is seen as a preparatory step for individuals who are on the path of spiritual growth and wish to overcome attachments to the physical world.

How To Practice Apara Vairagya?

Here are some general guidelines on how to practice Apara Vairagya

  • Simplify Your Life

Embracing a simple lifestyle is an incremental journey that involves making deliberate choices in accordance with your values and priorities. Periodically evaluate your possessions and commitments to ensure they contribute positively to your life.

Assess your belongings, keeping only those that genuinely add value or joy, and align with minimalist principles. Cultivate the practice of declining new commitments that do not align with your goals or values.

Strive to avoid unnecessary accumulation of possessions, prioritizing items that truly enhance your life.

Streamline your living space by decluttering any excess accumulation.

  • Mindful Consumption

Consume only what is necessary for your well-being. Stay mindful of your consumption patterns and steer clear of impulsive or thoughtless purchases. Opt for products and services that adhere to sustainable and eco-friendly practices, thus minimizing the overall environmental footprint.

Be mindful of your eating habits and choose simple, nourishing foods. Eat by being aware of the nutritional value, sourcing, and the impact of your dietary choices on your well-being and the environment.

By incorporating mindfulness into your consumption habits, you can contribute to a more sustainable and fulfilling way of living.

  • Moderation in Enjoyments

Moderation in enjoyment refers to the practice of indulging in pleasures, comforts, and leisure activities in a balanced and measured way.

It involves avoiding excesses and maintaining a sense of control and mindfulness in one’s pursuits of enjoyment. The concept is rooted in the idea of finding a middle path between extremes, recognizing that both excessive indulgence and complete abstinence can have drawbacks.

  • Non-Attachment to Results

Non-attachment to results is a guiding principle that encourages individuals to act with sincerity and dedication while maintaining a sense of inner peace and detachment from the outcomes that may result from their actions. It’s about finding a balance between active engagement in life and acceptance of whatever unfolds.

Execute your responsibilities without being attached to the results; emphasize the process and the intent behind your actions rather than the expected outcomes. This approach encourages individuals to liberate themselves from inflexible expectations regarding how events should transpire.

  • Regular Practice

Engage in regular practices like meditation, yoga, or prayer to cultivate inner peace. These practices aid in fostering a sense of disengagement from external fluctuations.

Para Vairagya (Inner Detachment)

‘Para’ means higher or superior. Para Vairagya refers to a more profound form of detachment that goes beyond the external renunciations of Apara Vairagya. It involves a deep inner transformation where one is detached not only from external possessions but also from inner desires and mental attachments.

Para Vairagya

Para Vairagya is a state of spiritual maturity where an individual achieves a higher level of detachment. In this state, one is not swayed by desires, fears, or emotional attachments. The focus is on transcending the ego and realizing a deeper, spiritual connection with the divine.

The practice of Para Vairagya involves introspection, self-inquiry, and cultivating a sense of inner detachment.

It is not merely about avoiding external objects but about understanding the impermanence of the material world and realizing one’s true nature beyond the physical and mental realms.

How To Practice Para Vairagya?

Here are some general guidelines on how to practice Para Vairagya:

  • Conducting self-reflection involves contemplating the impermanence of life and the fleeting nature of worldly possessions.

    Reflect on the essence of your authentic self beyond the material realm. Self-reflection serves as a valuable instrument for personal growth, self-awareness, and enhancement.

  • Observe your thoughts without getting entrapped in them. Develop a sense of disengagement from the continuous chatter of the mind.

    Engage in deeper meditation practices to connect with the innermost self. Explore practices that go beyond the level of body and mind.

  • Study sacred spiritual texts and teachings that emphasize the nature of reality and the self.

  • Seek guidance from spiritual teachers who embody the principles of Para Vairagya.

  • Engage in selfless service without attachment to recognition or results. Perform actions for the benefit of others without expecting personal gain.

  • Lastly, Cultivate a sense of devotion to a higher power or the divine. Surrender personal desires and ego to a higher purpose.

Benefits of Practicing Para & Apara Vairagya

Getting Wisdom practicing Para and Apara Vairagya

The practice of both Apara Vairagya and Para Vairagya offers several benefits, contributing to personal and spiritual growth. Here are the potential advantages of each:

Both forms of Vairagya contribute to mental clarity by reducing the clutter of attachment and desire, allowing for a more focused and tranquil mind.

The practice of detachment, be it at the Apara or Para level, assists individuals in facing life’s challenges with increased resilience and adaptability.

The practice of detachment fosters self-awareness by encouraging individuals to reflect on their actions, motivations, and the nature of their experiences.

Both forms of Vairagya guide individuals toward aligning their lives with higher spiritual values, promoting a more purposeful and meaningful existence. It’s important to note that the benefits may vary among individuals, and the practice of Vairagya is a personal journey that unfolds gradually over time.


In summary, Apara Vairagya is a preliminary form of external detachment, involving giving up worldly possessions and activities.

On the other hand, Para Vairagya is a higher and more profound form of detachment that transcends both external and internal attachments, leading to spiritual liberation. Both concepts are integral to the path of spiritual evolution in Hindu philosophy and are considered essential for achieving self-realization and union with the divine.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Apara Vairagya?

Apara Vairagya refers to a state of mind that is detached and dispassionate. It is a lower form of Vairagya, which involves renouncing the external aspects of life such as material possessions and relationships, without transcending desires altogether in one’s mind.

What Is Para Vairagya

Para Vairagya is a higher stage or superior form of Vairagya that goes beyond just external renunciations, to even inner desires and mental attachments that might be hindering the seeker’s spiritual progress.

Why Is Vairagya Essential For Spiritual Progress?

Vairagya, or detachment helps spiritual seekers turn their minds inward, and away from material desires.

In some ways, it is the first step towards spiritual progress, that begins with disillusionment and renunciation of the pains and pleasures that emanate from the temporary material world.



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