Karadarshanam – “Karagre Vasate Lakshmi” – Meaning & Benefits

by | Mar 26, 2024 | Mantra

The Karadarshanam is a powerful spiritual practice in Hinduism that has been around for eons, and is still considered a great way to start the day on a positive note by millions of practitioners across the country.

At its very core, the Karadarshanam, or the Karagre Vasate Lakshmi Mantra is about starting the new day by acknowledging the divine and continuing with this mindful acknowledgment throughout the day.

The ritual involves checking your palms as soon as you wake up, before reciting a specific mantra that highlights the presence of various deities in different parts of the hand. This includes the part symbolizing wealth (Lakshmi), knowledge (Saraswati), and health (Gowri / Parvathy).

In this article, we uncover the nuances of this mantra, its origins, powerful benefits, and more, along with steps and guidelines to help you get started with it right away.

Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswathi

Think of all the wonderful things that are made possible with our hands, a wonderful tool that we often take for granted. From whipping up a fresh cup of coffee to typing emails and text messages, life as we know it would be impossible without these humble tools at our disposal.

The Karadarshanam mantra helps you remember this incredible capability and blessing bestowed upon you as you kickstart a fresh day. It’s almost akin to a morning pep-talk, helping you stay grateful, and get into the right headspace as you tackle the challenges of the day.

Karadarshanam – Karagre Vasate Lakshmi Mantra Lyrics In English

कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मीः, करमध्ये सरस्वती ।
करमूले स्थिता गौरी, मंगलं करदर्शनम् ॥

KaraAgre Vasate Lakshmi,

Kara-Madhye Saraswati

Kara-Moole Sthitaa Gowri,

Mangalam Kara-Darshanam

Another version of the shloka is as follows:

कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मिः करमध्ये सरस्वति

करमूले तु गोविन्दःप्रभाते करदर्शनम्

Karadarshanam – Karagre Vasate Lakshmi Mantra Meaning

Let’s unpack this beautiful spiritual passage, line by line, and see what treasures we find inside. The chanting of the ‘Karagre Vasate Lakshmi’ mantra right when you roll out of bed is like hitting the refresh button on your soul’s browser each morning.

It’s fascinating how this simple act, done consistently, can have a profound impact on your mindset and spirit.

Meaning of Karagre Vasate Lakshmi

The first verse of this mantra translates to “On the tip of your hand, resides Lakshmi.” The goddess of wealth, encompassing prosperity, success, and good fortune, can there be anything better than seeing, and acknowledging Goddess Lakshmi in your palms as you start the day?

In a way, this is like saying that the power to create abundance lies at your fingertips—literally. Whether you are writing an important official mail, or making the bed at the end of a busy day, you’re channeling Goddess Lakshmi every step of the way.

The Goddess is often depicted with gold flowing from her hands, but her true essence extends beyond just financial wealth and involves a more expansive abundance, that is all fulfilling.

Your hands are the tools of creation, and by changing this mantra you essentially invoke Goddess Lakshmi’s essence each time you stretch, touch, or create.

Far from just making money, or accumulating stuff, this practice is about recognizing value in everything that you do. From the most mundane of tasks to those of the utmost importance, the invoking of Goddess Lakshmi, while continuing to work with the right attitude can do absolute wonders.

The beauty of this line lies in its simplicity and universality, in that it doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re from, or what you do. The moment you look at your hands in the morning, and remember this mantra, you align yourself with the energy of all creation and abundance.

It’s a powerful statement of intent and gratitude, acknowledging that our capacity to generate wealth and success isn’t external—it begins with us, with the work of our hands and the intentions behind them.

So, “Karagre Vasate Lakshmi” isn’t just a saying, it’s a lifestyle. It transforms the way we view our daily tasks, encouraging us to see the potential for growth, prosperity, and success in every action we take. By starting our day with this recognition, we set a positive, abundant tone that can carry us through challenges and opportunities alike.

Meaning of Kara Madhye Saraswati

Moving to the middle of the hand, we find Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and the arts. This line says, “In the middle of your hands resides Saraswati.” It’s a nod to the intellect and creativity that your actions can manifest.

Whether you’re solving a puzzle, writing a poem, or just doodling, Saraswati’s essence is at play, encouraging wisdom and innovation. It’s essentially highlighting the profound connection between our actions and our intellect, creativity, and expression.

If you think about the act of creation—it isn’t just about producing something from nothing, but rather about channeling ideas, emotions, and knowledge, often through the use of your hands.

Whether this is in the form of painting, writing, playing a musical instrument, or via an engaging conversation, Goddess Saraswati’s presence is often paramount for having any kind of success in these endeavors.

This line extends beyond just artistic pursuits and is in fact applicable to all forms of wisdom in action. Whether you are strategizing at work, helping your child with their homework, or navigating the complexities of relationships, the essence of Goddess Saraswati lends you much-needed insight, inspiration, and understanding.

In a world that is constantly changing, the call to embody Saraswati’s essence is also a call to innovation and adaptation. It encourages us to look at challenges as opportunities for creative solutions, resulting in a better world in the long run.

In essence, “Kara-Madhye Saraswati” enriches our understanding of the potential our hands hold—not just as tools, but as channels of knowledge, creativity, and expression. It’s a reminder to approach our daily tasks with the awareness that we are constantly in the process of creating our world, guided by the wisdom and creativity that flow through us.

Meaning of Kara Moole Sthitaa Gowri

The second to last verse of the mantra, “Kara Moola Sthitaa Gowri” uncovers a layer of the mantra that deals with the very foundation of our actions.

It speaks to the base of our hands, which is the domain of Goddess Gowri, also known as Parvati. The Goddess represents virtues like purity, strength, and devotion, clearly emphasizing the way we must approach our daily lives for ideal living.

Grounded In Purity: The mere mention of Gowri / Paravathy with our attention firmly at the base of our hands helps infuse purity into everything we touch or do.

This isn’t just about moral or physical purity, but developing the deepest sense of sincerity and authenticity in everything we do. Whether it is cooking a meal, writing a report, or interacting with others, we approach each and everything with the purest set of intentions.

Such an act, approach, or attitude towards life, often creates a ripple effect of genuine, positive interactions, that eventually encompass the entire world.

Anchored In Strength: Parvati is a symbol of immense strength and resilience, having undergone rigorous penance to attain Shiva as her consort. By invoking her name, this part of the mantra reminds us to root our actions in strength.

This strength isn’t just physical, it’s the mental and emotional fortitude to face life’s challenges with courage. It’s about standing firm in our convictions, pushing through difficulties, and emerging stronger on the other side.

Devotion In Every Gesture: The presence of Gowri at the base of the hands also speaks to the element of devotion—devotion to our goals, to the well-being of our loved ones, and to the pursuit of our life’s purpose.

It suggests that every task, no matter how mundane, can be an act of devotion if approached with dedication and love. This kind of devotion brings a sacred quality to our daily activities, turning routine tasks into offerings of love and service.

The Foundation of Our Actions: This line of the mantra positions the base of the hands as a metaphorical foundation for all our actions.

Just as a building needs a strong foundation to stand, our actions need to be rooted in purity, strength, and devotion to truly make an impact. It’s a reminder that the quality of our actions is determined by the intentions and values that underpin them.

In essence, “Kara-Moole Sthitaa Gowri” enriches the mantra with a profound message about the essence of our actions. It teaches us that the foundation of everything we do should be as steadfast and pure as Parvati herself, encouraging us to approach our daily lives with authenticity, resilience, and heartfelt devotion.

This line not only adds depth to the ritual of Karadarshanam but also offers guidance on living a life that’s grounded in meaningful values.

Meaning of Mangalam Kara-Darshanam

“Mangalam Kara-Darshanam” serves as a closure to the mantra, a sort of spiritual crescendo that encapsulates the essence of the entire practice.

The word “Mangalam” means auspiciousness, and “Kara-Darshanam” translates to seeing or observing the hands.

Together, they convey a message that transcends the simple act of looking at one’s hands, it’s about recognizing and celebrating the divine potential and auspicious energy that reside in our actions.

Karadarshanam - Mangalam Karadarshanam

This line suggests that the mere act of observing our hands each morning is not just a ritualistic practice but a powerful reminder of the good fortune and blessings that are always at our fingertips.

It reinforces the idea that our hands, which are involved in virtually all our daily activities, are vessels of divine energy and potential. By acknowledging this, we start our day on a note of gratitude and awareness of the abundance that surrounds us.

By concluding with the notion that observing our hands is auspicious, the mantra frames our entire day within a context of positivity and blessings. It’s as if by recognizing the divine potential in our hands, we invite auspiciousness into all aspects of our lives.

This vision sets a tone of optimism and confidence, empowering us to face the day’s challenges and opportunities with a sense of assuredness that comes from being in tune with the sacredness of our existence.

Benefits of Chanting Karagre Vasate Lakshmi Mantra

Chanting the Karadarshanam, Karagre Vasate Lakshmi mantra is like giving your day a head start with a dose of spirituality, mindfulness, and a splash of cosmic energy. This simple yet powerful practice comes with a wide range of benefits that can add a new dimension to your daily routine. Let’s break them down:

Boosts Positivity & Self Confidence: Kicking off your day by recognizing the divine presence in your hands sets a positive tone for the entire day and boosts your self-confidence.

Enhances Spiritual Connection: For those on the spiritual path, chanting the Kara Darshanam mantra strengthens the connection to the divine.

It serves as a daily reminder that spirituality isn’t confined to specific places or practices, it’s interwoven with our daily lives, accessible with something as simple as looking at our hands.

Promotes A Balanced Perspective: The mantra covers the aspects of wealth (Lakshmi), knowledge (Saraswati), and strength (Parvati), reminding us of the balance needed in life.

Chanting it encourages a holistic approach to daily challenges, emphasizing the importance of balance between material success, intellectual growth, and inner strength.

Invites Prosperity & Wisdom: The invocation of deities associated with wealth, wisdom, and strength is believed to attract these qualities into one’s life.

By starting your day with this mantra, you’re symbolically opening up to receive abundance, knowledge, and resilience.


In essence, Karadarshanam or Karagre Vasate Lakshmi Mantra is one of those beautifully simple, yet profoundly impactful rituals that blend spirituality with practical daily living.

It encourages you to start your day with a moment of mental boost, a spiritual uplift, gratitude, and empowerment, all by doing something as simple as looking at your hands. It’s about seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary and starting each day with a reminder of your innate potential and the universe’s blessings.


1 Comment

  1. Rajalakshmi

    It’s nice to know many benefits of the Mantra. I am used to chant it daily from my childhood. The lyrics of the Mantra which I chant is:

    ಕರಾಗ್ರೇ ವಸತೇ ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀಃ
    ಕರಮಧ್ಯೇ ಸರಸ್ವತೀ|
    ಕರಮೂಲೇ ಸ್ಥಿತೇ ಗೌರೀ
    ಪ್ರಭಾತೇ ಕರದರ್ಶನಂ||


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