5 Amazing Near-Death Experiences From Beyond The Light

by | Sep 17, 2016 | Uncategorized

Have you ever felt weightless or seen a bright light at the end of a warm tunnel? Have you ever had an eerie feeling of being surrounded by your loved ones who passed away years ago? If yes, then you seem to have experienced a near-death experience, my friend. And, I know that not all of near-death experiences have a positive influence on a person.

Some narrate a visit to hell where they’ve been tormented by demons and some recount a conversation with Jeez where they’ve been warned of an upcoming tragedy. The existence of NDEs (Near-Death Experiences), their effect on human psychology and its phenomenon has always been a debatable topic.

None of the discussions has been backed with solid reasons. All that has been done is trial and error method to resolve the mystery of NDEs. Apparently people who’ve had such experiences claim that they’ve undergone a life-altering experience in the face of NDE.

5 Near-Death Experiences

Read the following five mind-boggling near-death experiences and feel free to judge for yourself.

  1. Veronika – Ulrike Barthel experiences a set-up of a horror movie!

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On one odd day in 1981, Veronika Barthel was struck by lightning while driving her car and she was transported into hell with a blink of an eye. She witnessed demons chaperoning her into a big waiting room there.

This is what she says, “The creatures that I saw there were more terrifying than anything I have ever seen in any horror movie. Today I realize that they were demons. As soldiers they were marching past me, and in the middle of them were people screaming out of pain. It was very difficult to breathe down there, because of the filthy smell of the place. I saw a lake, which resembled the inner part of a volcano, where people were cursing because of great pain.

After this atrocious experience, she found herself back into her car. After gaining her conscious, she for a moment, saw her own hands burning and gripping the steering well.

  1. Mary Neal’s journey “To Heaven and Back”!

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In 1999, during a kayaking trip, Dr. Mary Neal experienced a near-death experience where God told her that her family would face a tragedy soon and they’ll require Mary to help them get over it. Jeez specifically mentioned that her nine year old son, Willie is going to die. Jeez didn’t mention the reason, time and place.

At the age of 19, Willie was killed in a car accident in Maine which was driven by a chauffeur who was speaking on his cell phone. But, with the help of rescue workers, Mary revived after the kayaking accident. She awoke with two broken legs and lung complications, spent a month in the hospital followed by six weeks in a wheelchair. But, she never lost hope and the courage to survive in such hardships. She wrote a book in the name of “To Heaven and Back”, which was published in May, 2012.

  1. Colton Burpo, the reason behind “Heaven is for Real”!

near-death experiences of Burpo

At a tender age of four, Colton Burpo’s appendix burst. After undergoing an emergency surgery, when he woke up, he had an amazing story to narrate.

He claimed that he had been to heaven, where he met John the Baptist, Jeez, God and a baby sister that his mother had lost due to a miscarriage. The most astounding part is that neither of his parents had ever mentioned about the miscarriage and the baby sister to him before.

His father, Todd Burpo said that he wasn’t fabricating stories as his son was able to narrate what his parents were doing in the other part of the hospital. Recounting the entire story of his son, Todd wrote a book called “Heaven is for Real”. Colton Burpo later gained a lot of popularity and he travels the country with his parents, sharing his story with audiences.

  1. Bill Wiese’s “23 Minutes in Hell”!

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Bill Wiese experienced near-death experience when he laid in bed at 3:00 AM. Out of blue, he was thrown into the depths of hell, where he was tormented by demons. He said that he was placed in a small cell along with venomous “beasts” who looked more or less like reptiles.

When he woke up after this near-death experience, his wife noticed that clock displayed 3:23 as the time. So, he titled his book “23 Minutes in Hell” which recounts his entire experience.

  1. The feeling of “Waking Up in Heaven” is inexplicable – Crystal McVea! 

near-death experiences

In 2009, Crystal McVea went into full respiratory arrest on the operating table. Simultaneously, she experienced a NDE and her belief in God was reintroduced.

She says, “I had angels, I had God, and I fell to my knees in front of him,” she said, adding that she’d always been a doubter prior to the experience. When she was asked twice by God if she’d like to return to Earth, she chose to stay both times. But in spite of her insistence, God sent her back—though not before relieving her of her guilt and shame.”

Narrating the entire experience, she released a book called “Waking Up In Heaven” in April, 2013.

Above are near-death experiences of real life people. Whether you believe it completely or take it with a grain of salt is up to you.



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