Have you ever smelt smoke coming from somewhere, often relentlessly, only to discover that there was nothing burning or smoking anywhere in your immediate proximity? While it’s easy to ignore this as a mere delusion, or something created by your mind, there is...
The world of Buddha statues, with their many forms, styles, and poses have captivated devotees and academics for centuries. Far from being just pieces of art or decorations, they represent aspects of the Great Buddha’s core teachings, with each one telling a...
For centuries India has been the land of spirituality, and unlike other cultures and traditions, there is no one authority or dogma that defines the principles and practices to be followed. This means that preachers, godmen, or gurus, each with their own styles,...
The “Vairagya Shatakam” is a famous Sanskrit poem attributed to Bhartrhari, who lived in ancient India, possibly around the 5th century CE. Apart from being a great King, he was also a renowned philosopher, a great poet, scholar, and Vedantin, a truly...
Diving into the world of frankincense is like exploring an ancient treasure trove, rich with history, spirituality, and some pretty unique sensory experiences. Let’s break down this Frankincense Smell into digestible bits, shall we? What is Frankincense?...
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