Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam Stotram – Meaning & Benefits

by | Dec 13, 2018 | Mantra

A sacred Hindu devotional hymn in praise of Goddess Lalitha Devi, the divine Mother Parvati in the form of the feminine power of Shakti, Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam is a text extracted from Brahmanda Purana. Lalitha is considered to be the Goddess of bliss and she is Lord Shiva’s wife. Lalitha means the one who plays.

Sri Lalitha Sahasranmam Stotram is a sacred hymn for the worship of the Divine Mother Lalitha and also used to worship Parvati, Durga, Lakshmi, Kali, Bhagvathi, Saraswati and other goddesses. It is believed to be one of the most complete stotras to be recited for ultimate salvation. It is a principal prayer for the devotees of Shakti. Lalitha Sahasranamam sings the various attributes of the Divine Mother and describes her from head to toe. All the names are arranged in the form of a hymn to sing the glory of the Mother who bestows happiness and salvation upon the devotees.

Lalitha Sahasranamam Lyrics


अस्य श्रीललितासहस्रनामस्तोत्रमाला मन्त्रस्य

वशिन्यादिवाग्देवता ऋषयः

अनुष्टुप् छन्दः अनुष्टुप्

श्रीललितापरमेश्वरी देवता

श्रीमद्वाग्भवकूटेति बीजम्

मध्यकूटेति शक्तिः

शक्तिकूटेति कीलकम्


चिन्तितफलावाप्त्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः


सिन्दूरारुण विग्रहां त्रिनयनां माणिक्यमौलि स्फुरत्

तारा नायक शेखरां स्मितमुखी मापीन वक्षोरुहाम्

पाणिभ्यामलिपूर्ण रत्न चषकं रक्तोत्पलं बिभ्रतीं

सौम्यां रत्न घटस्थ रक्तचरणां ध्यायेत् परामम्बिकाम् ध्यायेत्

अरुणां करुणा तरङ्गिताक्षीं

धृत पाशाङ्कुश पुष्प बाणचापाम्

अणिमादिभि रावृतां मयूखैमयूखै

रहमित्येव विभावये भवानीम्

ध्यायेत् पद्मासनस्थां ध्यायेत् पद्मासनस्थांविकसितवदनां पद्मपत्रायताक्षीं

हेमाभां पीतवस्त्रां करकलितलसद्धेमपद्मां वराङ्गीम्

सर्वालङ्कार युक्तां सतत मभयदां भक्तनम्रां भवानीं

श्रीविद्यां शान्त मूर्तिं सकल सुरनुतां सर्व सम्पत्प्रदात्रीम्

सकुङ्कुम विलेपनामलिकचुम्बि कस्तूरिकां

समन्द हसितेक्षणां सशर चाप पाशाङ्कुशाम्

अशेषजन मोहिनीं अरुण माल्य भूषाम्बरां

जपाकुसुम भासुरां जपविधौ स्मरे दम्बिकाम्

श्रीमाता श्रीमहाराज्ञी श्रीमत्श्रीमत्सिंहासनेश्वरी

चिदग्निकुण्डसम्भूता देवकार्यदेवकार्यसमुद्यता १॥

उद्यद्भानुउद्यद्भानुसहस्राभा चतुर्बाहुसमन्विता

रागस्वरूपपाशाढ्या क्रोधाकाराङ्कुशोज्ज्वला २॥

मनोरूपेक्षुमनोरूपेक्षुकोदण्डा पञ्चतन्मात्रसायका

निजारुणप्रभापूरमज्जद्ब्रह्माण्डमण्डला ३॥


कुरुविन्दमणिश्रेणीकनत्कोटीरमण्डिता ४॥


मुखचन्द्रकलङ्काभमृगनाभिविशेषका ५॥


वक्त्रलक्ष्मीपरीवाहचलन्मीनाभलोचना ६॥


ताराकान्तितिरस्कारिनासाभरणभासुरा ७॥


ताटङ्कयुगलीभूततपनोडुपमण्डला ८॥


नवविद्रुमबिम्बश्रीन्यक्कारिरदनच्छदा ९॥


कर्पूरवीटिकामोदसमाकर्षिसमाकर्षिदिगन्तरा १०॥


मन्दस्मितप्रभापूरमज्जत्कामेशमानसा ११॥


कामेशबद्धमाङ्गल्यसूत्रशोभितकन्धरा १२॥


रत्नग्रैवेयचिन्ताकलोलमुक्ताफलान्विता १३॥


नाभ्यालवालरोमालिलताफलकुचद्वयी १४॥


स्तनभारदलन्मध्यपट्टबन्धवलित्रया १५॥


रत्नकिङ्किणिकारम्यरशनादामभूषिता १६॥


माणिक्यमुकुटाकारजानुद्वयविराजिता १७॥


गूढगुल्फा कूर्मपृष्ठजयिष्णुजयिष्णुप्रपदान्विता १८॥


पदद्वयप्रभाजालपराकृतसरोरुहा १९॥


मरालीमन्दगमना महालावण्यशेवधिः २०॥

सर्वारुणाऽनवद्याङ्गी सर्वाभरणभूषिता

शिवकामेश्वराङ्कस्था शिवा स्वाधीनवल्लभा २१॥

सुमेरुमध्यशृङ्गस्था श्रीमन्नगरनायिका

चिन्तामणिगृहान्तस्था पञ्चब्रह्मासनस्थिता २२॥

महापद्माटवीसंस्था कदम्बवनवासिनी

सुधासागरमध्यस्था कामाक्षी कामदायिनी २३॥


भण्डासुरवधोद्युक्तशक्तिसेनासमन्विता २४॥


अश्वारूढाधिष्ठिताश्वकोटिकोटिभिरावृता २५॥


गेयचक्ररथारूढमन्त्रिणीपरिसेविता २६॥


ज्वालामालिनिकाक्षिप्तवह्निप्राकारमध्यगा २७॥


नित्यापराक्रमाटोपनिरीक्षणसमुत्सुका २८॥


मन्त्रिण्यम्बाविरचितविषङ्गवधतोषिता २९॥


कामेश्वरमुखालोककल्पितश्रीगणेश्वरा ३०॥


भण्डासुरेन्द्रनिर्मुक्तशस्त्रप्रत्यस्त्रवर्षिणी ३१॥


महापाशुपतास्त्राग्निनिर्दग्धासुरसैनिका ३२॥


ब्रह्मोपेन्द्रमहेन्द्रादिदेवसंस्तुतवैभवा ३३॥


श्रीमद्वाग्भवकूटैकस्वरूपमुखपङ्कजा ३४॥


शक्तिकूटैकतापन्नकट्यधोभागधारिणी ३५॥

मूलमन्त्रात्मिका मूलकूटत्रयकलेबरा

कुलामृतैकरसिका कुलसंकेतपालिनी ३६॥

कुलाङ्गना कुलान्तस्था कौलिनी कुलयोगिनी

अकुला समयान्तस्था समयाचारतत्परा ३७॥

मूलाधारैकनिलया ब्रह्मग्रन्थिविभेदिनी

मणिपूरान्तरुदिता विष्णुग्रन्थिविभेदिनी ३८॥

आज्ञाचक्रान्तरालस्था रुद्रग्रन्थिविभेदिनी

सहस्राराम्बुजारूढा सुधासाराभिवर्षिणी ३९॥

तडिल्लतासमरुचिः षट्चक्रोपरिसंस्थिता

महासक्तिः कुण्डलिनी बिसतन्तुबिसतन्तुतनीयसी ४०॥

भवानी भावनागम्या भवारण्यकुठारिका

भद्रप्रिया भद्रमूर्तिर् भक्तसौभाग्यदायिनी ४१॥

भक्तिप्रिया भक्तिगम्या भक्तिवश्या भयापहा

शाम्भवी शारदाराध्या शर्वाणी शर्मदायिनी ४२॥

शाङ्करी श्रीकरी साध्वी शरच्चन्द्रनिभानना

शातोदरी शान्तिमती निराधारा निरञ्जना ४३॥

निर्लेपा निर्मला नित्या निराकारा निराकुला

निर्गुणा निष्कला शान्ता निष्कामा निरुपप्लवा ४४॥

नित्यमुक्ता निर्विकारा निष्प्रपञ्चा निराश्रया

नित्यशुद्धा नित्यबुद्धा निरवद्या निरन्तरा ४५॥

निष्कारणा निष्कलङ्का निरुपाधिर् निरीश्वरा

नीरागा रागमथनी निर्मदा मदनाशिनी ४६॥

निश्चिन्ता निरहंकारा निर्मोहा मोहनाशिनी

निर्ममा ममताहन्त्री निष्पापा पापनाशिनी ४७॥

निष्क्रोधा क्रोधशमनी निर्लोभा लोभनाशिनी

निःसंशया संशयघ्नी निर्भवा भवनाशिनी ४८॥

निर्विकल्पा निराबाधा निर्भेदा भेदनाशिनी

निर्नाशा मृत्युमथनी निष्क्रिया निष्परिग्रहा ४९॥

निस्तुला नीलचिकुरा निरपाया निरत्यया

दुर्लभा दुर्गमा दुर्गा दुःखहन्त्री सुखप्रदा ५०॥

दुष्टदूरा दुराचारशमनी दोषवर्जिता

सर्वज्ञा सान्द्रकरुणा समानाधिकवर्जिता ५१॥

सर्वशक्तिमयी सर्वसर्वमङ्गला सद्गतिप्रदा

सर्वेश्वरी सर्वमयी सर्वमन्त्रस्वरूपिणी ५२॥

सर्वसर्वयन्त्रात्मिका सर्वसर्वतन्त्ररूपा मनोन्मनी

माहेश्वरी महादेवी महालक्ष्मीर् मृडप्रिया ५३॥

महारूपा महापूज्या महापातकनाशिनी

महामाया महासत्त्वा महाशक्तिर् महारतिः ५४॥

महाभोगा महैश्वर्या महावीर्या महाबला

महाबुद्धिर् महासिद्धिर् महायोगेश्वरेश्वरी ५५॥

महातन्त्रा महामन्त्रा महायन्त्रा महासना

महायागक्रमाराध्या महाभैरवपूजिता ५६॥


महाकामेशमहिषी महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी ५७॥

चतुःषष्ट्युपचाराढ्या चतुःषष्टिकलामयी

महाचतुःषष्टिकोटियोगिनीगणसेविता ५८॥

मनुविद्या चन्द्रविद्या चन्द्रमण्डलमध्यगा

चारुरूपा चारुहासा चारुचन्द्रकलाधरा ५९॥

चराचरजगन्नाथा चक्रराजनिकेतना

पार्वती पद्मनयना पद्मरागसमप्रभा ६०॥

पञ्चप्रेतासनासीना पञ्चब्रह्मस्वरूपिणी

चिन्मयी परमानन्दा विज्ञानघनरूपिणी ६१॥

ध्यानध्यातृध्येयरूपा धर्माधर्मधर्माधर्मविवर्जिता

विश्वरूपा जागरिणी स्वपन्ती तैजसात्मिका ६२॥

सुप्ता प्राज्ञात्मिका तुर्या सर्वावस्थाविवर्जिता

सृष्टिकर्त्री ब्रह्मरूपा गोप्त्री गोविन्दरूपिणी ६३॥

संहारिणी रुद्ररूपा तिरोधानकरीश्वरी

सदाशिवाऽनुग्रहदा पञ्चकृत्यपरायणा ६४॥

भानुमण्डलमध्यस्था भैरवी भगमालिनी

पद्मासना भगवती पद्मनाभसहोदरी ६५॥


सहस्रशीर्षवदना सहस्राक्षी सहस्रपात् ॥६६॥

आब्रह्मकीटजननी वर्णाश्रमविधायिनी

निजाज्ञारूपनिगमा पुण्यापुण्यफलप्रदा ६७॥


सकलागमसन्दोहशुक्तिसम्पुटमौक्तिका ६८॥

पुरुषार्थप्रदा पूर्णा भोगिनी भुवनेश्वरी

अम्बिकाऽनादिनिधना हरिब्रह्मेन्द्रसेविता ६९॥

नारायणी नादरूपा नामरूपविवर्जिता

ह्रींकारी ह्रीमती हृद्या हेयोपादेयवर्जिता ७०॥

राजराजार्चिता राज्ञी रम्या राजीवलोचना

रञ्जनी रमणी रस्या रणत्किङ्किणिमेखला ७१॥

रमा राकेन्दुवदना रतिरूपा रतिप्रिया

रक्षाकरी राक्षसघ्नी रामा रमणलम्पटा ७२॥

काम्या कामकलारूपा कदम्बकुसुमप्रिया

कल्याणी जगतीकन्दा करुणारससागरा ७३॥

कलावती कलालापा कान्ता कादम्बरीप्रिया

वरदा वामनयना वारुणीमदविह्वला ७४॥

विश्वाधिका वेदवेद्या विन्ध्याचलनिवासिनी

विधात्री वेदजननी विष्णुमाया विलासिनी ७५॥

क्षेत्रस्वरूपा क्षेत्रेशी क्षेत्रक्षेत्रज्ञपालिनी

क्षयवृद्धिविनिर्मुक्ता क्षेत्रपालसमर्चिता ७६॥

विजया विमला वन्द्या वन्दारुजनवत्सला

वाग्वादिनी वामकेशी वह्निमण्डलवासिनी ७७॥

भक्तिमत्भक्तिमत्कल्पलतिका पशुपाशविमोचिनी

संहृताशेषपाषण्डा सदाचारप्रवर्तिका ७८॥


तरुणी तापसाराध्या तनुमध्या तमोऽपहा ७९॥

चितिस्तत्पदलक्ष्यार्था चिदेकरसरूपिणी

स्वात्मानन्दलवीभूतब्रह्माद्यानन्दसन्ततिः ८०॥

परा प्रत्यक्चितीरूपा पश्यन्ती परदेवता

मध्यमा वैखरीरूपा भक्तमानसहंसिका ८१॥

कामेश्वरप्राणनाडी कृतज्ञा कामपूजिता

शृङ्गाररससम्पूर्णा जया जालन्धरस्थिता ८२॥

ओड्याणपीठनिलया बिन्दुमण्डलवासिनी

रहोयागक्रमाराध्या रहस्तर्पणतर्पिता ८३॥

सद्यःप्रसादिनी विश्वसाक्षिणी साक्षिवर्जिता

षडङ्गदेवतायुक्ता षाड्गुण्यपरिपूरिता ८४॥

नित्यक्लिन्ना निरुपमा निर्वाणसुखदायिनी

नित्याषोडशिकारूपा श्रीकण्ठार्धश्रीकण्ठार्धशरीरिणी ८५॥

प्रभावती प्रभारूपा प्रसिद्धा परमेश्वरी

मूलप्रकृतिर् अव्यक्ता व्यक्ताव्यक्तस्वरूपिणी ८६॥

व्यापिनी विविधाकारा विद्याविद्यास्वरूपिणी

महाकामेशनयनकुमुदाह्लादकौमुदी ८७॥


शिवदूती शिवाराध्या शिवमूर्तिः शिवङ्करी ८८॥

शिवप्रिया शिवपरा शिष्टेष्टा शिष्टपूजिता

अप्रमेया स्वप्रकाशा मनोवाचामगोचरा ८९॥

चिच्छक्तिश् चेतनारूपाचिच्छक्तिश् चेतनारूपा जडशक्तिर् जडात्मिका

गायत्री व्याहृतिः सन्ध्या द्विजबृन्दनिषेविता ९०॥

तत्त्वासना तत्त्वमयी पञ्चकोशान्तरस्थिता

निःसीममहिमा नित्ययौवना मदशालिनी ९१॥

मदघूर्णितरक्ताक्षी मदपाटलगण्डभूः

चन्दनद्रवदिग्धाङ्गी चाम्पेयकुसुमप्रिया ९२॥

कुशला कोमलाकारा कुरुकुल्ला कुलेश्वरी

कुलकुण्डालया कौलमार्गमार्गतत्परसेविता ९३॥

कुमारगणनाथाम्बा तुष्टिः पुष्टिर् मतिर् धृतिः

शान्तिः स्वस्तिमती कान्तिर् नन्दिनी विघ्ननाशिनी ९४॥

तेजोवती त्रिनयना लोलाक्षीकामरूपिणी

मालिनी हंसिनी माता मलयाचलवासिनी ९५॥

सुमुखी नलिनी सुभ्रूः शोभना सुरनायिका

कालकण्ठी कान्तिमती क्षोभिणी सूक्ष्मरूपिणी ९६॥

वज्रेश्वरी वामदेवी वयोऽवस्थाविवर्जिता

सिद्धेश्वरी सिद्धविद्या सिद्धमाता यशस्विनी ९७॥

विशुद्धिचक्रनिलयाऽऽरक्तवर्णा त्रिलोचना

खट्वाङ्गादिप्रहरणा वदनैकसमन्विता ९८॥

पायसान्नप्रिया त्वक्स्था पशुलोकभयङ्करी

अमृतादिमहाशक्तिसंवृता डाकिनीश्वरी ९९॥

अनाहताब्जनिलया श्यामाभा वदनद्वया

दंष्ट्रोज्ज्वलाऽक्षमालादिधरा रुधिरसंस्थिता १००॥

कालरात्र्यादिशक्त्यौघवृता स्निग्धौदनप्रिया

महावीरेन्द्रवरदा राकिण्यम्बास्वरूपिणी १०१॥

मणिपूराब्जनिलया वदनत्रयसंयुता

वज्रादिकायुधोपेता डामर्यादिभिरावृता १०२॥

रक्तवर्णा मांसनिष्ठा गुडान्नप्रीतमानसा

समस्तभक्तसुखदा लाकिन्यम्बास्वरूपिणी १०३॥

स्वाधिष्ठानाम्बुजगता चतुर्वक्त्रमनोहरा

शूलाद्यायुधसम्पन्ना पीतवर्णाऽतिगर्विता १०४॥

मेदोनिष्ठा मधुप्रीता बन्धिन्यादिसमन्विता

दध्यन्नासक्तहृदया काकिनीरूपधारिणी १०५॥

मूलाधाराम्बुजारूढा पञ्चवक्त्राऽस्थिसंस्थिता

अङ्कुशादिप्रहरणा वरदादिनिषेविता १०६॥

मुद्गौदनासक्तचित्ता साकिन्यम्बास्वरूपिणी

आज्ञाचक्राब्जनिलया शुक्लवर्णा षडानना १०७॥

मज्जासंस्था हंसवतीमुख्यशक्तिसमन्विता

हरिद्रान्नैकरसिका हाकिनीरूपधारिणी १०८॥

सहस्रदलपद्मस्था सर्वसर्ववर्णोपशोभिता

सर्वायुधधरा शुक्लसंस्थिता सर्वतोमुखी १०९॥

सर्वौदनप्रीतचित्ता याकिन्यम्बास्वरूपिणी

स्वाहा स्वधाऽमतिर् मेधा श्रुतिः स्मृतिर् अनुत्तमा ११०॥

पुण्यकीर्तिः पुण्यलभ्या पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तना

पुलोमजार्चिता बन्धमोचनी बन्धुरालका १११॥

विमर्शरूपिणी विद्या वियदादिजगत्प्रसूः

सर्वव्याधिप्रशमनी सर्वमृत्युसर्वमृत्युनिवारिणी ११२॥

अग्रगण्याऽचिन्त्यरूपा कलिकल्मषनाशिनी

कात्यायनी कालहन्त्री कमलाक्षनिषेविता ११३॥

ताम्बूलपूरितमुखी दाडिमीकुसुमप्रभा

मृगाक्षी मोहिनी मुख्या मृडानी मित्ररूपिणी ११४॥

नित्यतृप्ता भक्तनिधिर् नियन्त्री निखिलेश्वरी

मैत्र्यादिवासनालभ्या महाप्रलयसाक्षिणी ११५॥

परा शक्तिः परा निष्ठा प्रज्ञानघनरूपिणी

माध्वीपानालसा मत्ता मातृकावर्णवर्णरूपिणी ११६॥

महाकैलासनिलया मृणालमृदुदोर्लता

महनीया दयामूर्तिर् महासाम्राज्यशालिनी ११७॥

आत्मविद्या महाविद्या श्रीविद्या कामसेविता

श्रीषोडशाक्षरीविद्या त्रिकूटा कामकोटिका ११८॥


शिरःस्थिता चन्द्रनिभा भालस्थेन्द्रधनुःप्रभा ११९॥

हृदयस्था रविप्रख्या त्रिकोणान्तरदीपिका

दाक्षायणी दैत्यहन्त्री दक्षयज्ञविनाशिनी १२०॥

दरान्दोलितदीर्घाक्षी दरहासोज्ज्वलन्हासोज्ज्वलन्मुखी

गुरुमूर्तिर् गुणनिधिर् गोमाता गुहजन्मभूः १२१॥

देवेशी दण्डनीतिस्था दहराकाशरूपिणी

प्रतिपन्मुख्यराकान्ततिथिमण्डलपूजिता १२२॥

कलात्मिका कलानाथा काव्यालापविनोदिनी

सचामररमावाणीसव्यदक्षिणसेविता १२३॥

आदिशक्तिर् अमेयाऽऽत्मा परमा पावनाकृतिः

अनेककोटिब्रह्माण्डजननी दिव्यविग्रहा १२४॥

क्लींकारी केवला गुह्या कैवल्यपददायिनी

त्रिपुरा त्रिजगद्वन्द्या त्रिमूर्तिस् त्रिदशेश्वरी त्रिमूर्तिस् त्रिदशेश्वरी १२५॥

त्र्यक्षरी दिव्यगन्धाढ्या सिन्दूरतिलकाञ्चिता

उमा शैलेन्द्रतनया गौरी गन्धर्वगन्धर्वसेविता १२६॥

विश्वगर्भा स्वर्णगर्भाऽवरदा वागधीश्वरी

ध्यानगम्याऽपरिच्छेद्या ज्ञानदा ज्ञानविग्रहा १२७॥

सर्ववेदान्तसंवेद्या सत्यानन्दस्वरूपिणी

लोपामुद्रार्चिता लीलाकॢप्तब्रह्माण्डमण्डला १२८॥

अदृश्या दृश्यरहिता विज्ञात्री वेद्यवर्जिता

योगिनी योगदा योग्या योगानन्दा युगन्धरा १२९॥


सर्वाधारा सुप्रतिष्ठा सदसद्रूपधारिणी १३०॥

अष्टमूर्तिर् अजाजैत्री लोकयात्राविधायिनी

एकाकिनी भूमरूपा निर्द्वैता द्वैतवर्जिता १३१॥

अन्नदा वसुदा वृद्धा ब्रह्मात्मैक्यस्वरूपिणी

बृहती ब्राह्मणी ब्राह्मी ब्रह्मानन्दा बलिप्रिया १३२॥

भाषारूपा बृहत्सेना भावाभावविवर्जिता

सुखाराध्या शुभकरी शोभना सुलभा गतिः १३३॥

राजराजेश्वरी राज्यदायिनी राज्यवल्लभा

राजत्कृपा राजपीठनिवेशितनिजाश्रिता १३४॥

राज्यलक्ष्मीः कोशनाथा चतुरङ्गबलेश्वरी

साम्राज्यदायिनी सत्यसन्धा सागरमेखला १३५॥

दीक्षिता दैत्यशमनी सर्वलोकवशङ्करी

सर्वार्थदात्री सावित्री सच्चिदानन्दरूपिणी १३६॥

देशकालापरिच्छिन्ना सर्वगा सर्वमोहिनी

सरस्वती शास्त्रमयी गुहाम्बा गुह्यरूपिणी १३७॥

सर्वोपाधिविनिर्मुक्ता सदाशिवपतिव्रता

सम्प्रदायेश्वरी साध्वी गुरुमण्डलरूपिणी १३८॥

कुलोत्तीर्णा भगाराध्या माया मधुमती मही

गणाम्बा गुह्यकाराध्या कोमलाङ्गी गुरुप्रिया १३९॥

स्वतन्त्रा सर्वतन्त्रेशी दक्षिणामूर्तिदक्षिणामूर्तिरूपिणी

सनकादिसमाराध्या शिवज्ञानप्रदायिनी १४०॥

चित्कलाऽऽनन्दकलिका प्रेमरूपा प्रियङ्करी

नामपारायणप्रीता नन्दिविद्या नटेश्वरी १४१॥

मिथ्याजगदधिष्ठाना मुक्तिदा मुक्तिरूपिणी

लास्यप्रिया लयकरी लज्जा रम्भादिवन्दिता १४२॥

भवदावसुधावृष्टिः पापारण्यदवानला

दौर्भाग्यतूलवातूला जराध्वान्तरविप्रभा १४३॥

भाग्याब्धिचन्द्रिका भक्तचित्तकेकिघनाघना

रोगपर्वतदम्भोलिर् मृत्युदारुकुठारिका १४४॥

महेश्वरी महाकाली महाग्रासा महाशना

अपर्णा चण्डिका चण्डमुण्डासुरनिषूदिनी १४५॥

क्षराक्षरात्मिका सर्वसर्वलोकेशी विश्वधारिणी

त्रिवर्गदात्री सुभगा त्र्यम्बका त्रिगुणात्मिका १४६॥

स्वर्गापवर्गदा शुद्धा जपापुष्पनिभाकृतिः

ओजोवती द्युतिधरा यज्ञरूपा प्रियव्रता १४७॥

दुराराध्या दुराधर्षा पाटलीकुसुमप्रिया

महती मेरुनिलया मन्दारकुसुमप्रिया १४८॥

वीराराध्या विराड्रूपा विरजा विश्वतोमुखी

प्रत्यग्रूपा पराकाशा प्राणदा प्राणरूपिणी १४९॥

मार्ताण्डभैरवाराध्या मन्त्रिणीन्यस्तराज्यधूः or मार्तण्ड

त्रिपुरेशी जयत्सेना निस्त्रैगुण्या परापरा १५०॥

सत्यज्ञानानन्दरूपा सामरस्यपरायणा

कपर्दिनी कलामाला कामधुक् कामरूपिणी १५१॥

कलानिधिः काव्यकला रसज्ञा रसशेवधिः

पुष्टा पुरातना पूज्या पुष्करा पुष्करेक्षणा १५२॥

परंज्योतिः परंधाम परमाणुः परात्परा

पाशहस्ता पाशहन्त्री परमन्त्रविभेदिनी १५३॥

मूर्ताऽमूर्ताऽनित्यतृप्ता मुनिमानसहंसिका

सत्यव्रता सत्यरूपा सर्वान्तर्यामिनी सती १५४॥

ब्रह्माणी ब्रह्मजननी बहुरूपा बुधार्चिता

प्रसवित्री प्रचण्डाऽऽज्ञा प्रतिष्ठा प्रकटाकृतिः १५५॥

प्राणेश्वरी प्राणदात्री पञ्चाशत्पीठरूपिणी

विशृङ्खला विविक्तस्था वीरमाता वियत्प्रसूः १५६॥

मुकुन्दा मुक्तिनिलया मूलविग्रहरूपिणी

भावज्ञा भवरोगघ्नी भवचक्रप्रवर्तिनी १५७॥

छन्दःसारा शास्त्रसारा मन्त्रसारा तलोदरी

उदारकीर्तिर् उद्दामवैभवा वर्णरूपिणी १५८॥


सर्वोपनिषदुद्दुद्घुष्टा शान्त्यतीतकलात्मिका १५९॥

गम्भीरा गगनान्तस्था गर्विता गानलोलुपा

कल्पनारहिता काष्ठाऽकान्ता कान्तार्धकान्तार्धविग्रहा १६०॥

कार्यकारणनिर्मुक्ता कामकेलितरङ्गिता

कनत्कनकताटङ्का लीलाविग्रहधारिणी १६१॥

अजा क्षयविनिर्मुक्ता मुग्धा क्षिप्रप्रसादिनी

अन्तर्मुखसमाराध्या बहिर्मुखसुदुर्लभा १६२॥

त्रयी त्रिवर्गनिलया त्रिस्था त्रिपुरमालिनी

निरामया निरालम्बा स्वात्मारामा सुधासृतिः १६३॥


यज्ञप्रिया यज्ञकर्त्री यजमानस्वरूपिणी १६४॥

धर्माधारा धनाध्यक्षा धनधान्यविवर्धिनी

विप्रप्रिया विप्ररूपा विश्वभ्रमणकारिणी १६५॥

विश्वग्रासा विद्रुमाभा वैष्णवी विष्णुरूपिणी

अयोनिर् योनिनिलया कूटस्था कुलरूपिणी १६६॥

वीरगोष्ठीप्रिया वीरा नैष्कर्म्या नादरूपिणी

विज्ञानकलना कल्या विदग्धा बैन्दवासना १६७॥

तत्त्वाधिका तत्त्वमयी तत्त्वमर्थतत्त्वमर्थस्वरूपिणी

सामगानप्रिया सौम्या सदाशिवकुटुम्बिनी १६८॥ or सोम्या

सव्यापसव्यमार्गस्था सर्वापद्विनिवारिणी

स्वस्था स्वभावमधुरा धीरा धीरसमर्चिता १६९॥

चैतन्यार्घ्यचैतन्यार्घ्यसमाराध्या चैतन्यकुसुमप्रिया

सदोदिता सदातुष्टा तरुणादित्यपाटला १७०॥

दक्षिणादक्षिणाराध्या दरस्मेरमुखाम्बुजा

कौलिनीकेवलाऽनर्घ्यकेवलाऽनर्घ्यकैवल्यपददायिनी १७१॥

स्तोत्रप्रिया स्तुतिमती श्रुतिसंस्तुतवैभवा

मनस्विनी मानवती महेशी मङ्गलाकृतिः १७२॥

विश्वमाता जगद्धात्री विशालाक्षी विरागिणी

प्रगल्भा परमोदारा परामोदा मनोमयी १७३॥

व्योमकेशी विमानस्था वज्रिणी वामकेश्वरी

पञ्चयज्ञप्रिया पञ्चप्रेतमञ्चाधिशायिनी १७४॥

पञ्चमी पञ्चभूतेशी पञ्चसंख्योपचारिणी

शाश्वती शाश्वतैश्वर्या शर्मदा शम्भुमोहिनी १७५॥

धरा धरसुता धन्या धर्मिणी धर्मवर्धिनी

लोकातीता गुणातीता सर्वातीता शमात्मिका १७६॥

बन्धूककुसुमप्रख्या बाला लीलाविनोदिनी

सुमङ्गली सुखकरी सुवेषाढ्या सुवासिनी १७७॥

सुवासिन्यर्चनप्रीताऽऽशोभना शुद्धमानसा

बिन्दुतर्पणसन्तुष्टा पूर्वजा त्रिपुराम्बिका १७८॥

दशमुद्रासमाराध्या त्रिपुराश्रीवशङ्करी

ज्ञानमुद्रा ज्ञानगम्या ज्ञानज्ञेयस्वरूपिणी १७९॥

योनिमुद्रा त्रिखण्डेशी त्रिगुणाम्बा त्रिकोणगा

अनघाऽद्भुतचारित्रा वाञ्छितार्थवाञ्छितार्थप्रदायिनी १८०॥

अभ्यासातिशयज्ञाता षडध्वातीतरूपिणी

अव्याजकरुणामूर्तिर् अज्ञानध्वान्तदीपिका १८१॥

आबालगोपविदिता सर्वानुल्लङ्घ्यशासना

श्रीचक्रराजनिलया श्रीमत्श्रीमत्त्रिपुरसुन्दरी १८२॥

श्रीशिवा शिवशक्त्यैक्यरूपिणी ललिताम्बिका

एवं श्रीललिता देव्या नाम्नां साहस्रकं जगुः

इति श्रीब्रह्माण्डपुराणे उत्तरखण्डे श्रीहयग्रीवागस्त्यसंवादे

श्रीललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र कथनं सम्पूर्णम् ॥सम्पूर्णम्

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam Meaning

Here is the complete hymn translated in English and the meaning of the prayer and the 1000 names of Sri Lalitha.

Asyashrilalita sahasranama stotras mahamantrasya, vashinyadi vagdevata

Rushayah anushtup chandaha shree lalita parameshari devata shrimadvagbhava

Kutetibijam madhyakuteti shaktih shaktinyasam karanyasancha kuryat mama

Shree lalita parameshari prasada sidhyardhe jape viniyogah


Sinduraruna vigragam, trinayanam, manikyamaoli spharat

Taranayaka shekharam, smitamukhim, aapinavakshoruham

Panibhyam, alipurnaratna chashakam, raktotpalam bibhratim

Saomyam ratna ghatasdha raktacharanam

Dhyayet paramanbikam

I meditate upon the Divine Mother who shines in a vermilion red body,

The one with three eyes, a crown of rubies studded with crescent moon,

With a smiling face, beautiful limbs, the one who holds a jewel-cup filled with nectar in one hand and a red lotus in the other.

Arunam karuna tarangitakshim

Dhruta pashankusha pushpa banachapam

Animadibhi ravrutam mayukhai

Rahamityeva vibhavaye, bhavanim

I meditate upon the great Mother who is red in color,

Whose eyes are full of compassion, who holds a noose,

A bow, a goad and flowery arrow in hands,

The one who is surrounded by powers like Nima for rays

And the one who is the Self within me.

Dhyayetpadmasanasdham vikasita

Vadanam padmapatrayatakshim

Hemabham pitavastram karakalita

Lasadhemapadmam varangim

Sarvalankarayuktam satata mabhayadam

Bhaktanamram bhavanim

Shree vidyam shantamurtim sakala suranutam


The divine Goddess is to be meditated upon,

The one who is seated on the lotus with petal eyes,

The one who is golden hued, has lotus flowers in her hands,

She removes fears of devotees who worship her,

She is the embodiment of knowledge, peace,

She is praised by gods and she grants every kind of wealth asked for.

Sakunkuma vilepana malikachunbi sasturikam

Samandahasi tekshenam sasharachapa pashankusham

Asheshajana mohini marunamalya bhushanbaram

Japakusuma bhasuram japavidhao smaredanbikam

I meditate upon the divine Mother, who has smiling eyes,

Who holds the noose, bow, arrow and goad in her hands,

The one who glitters with ornaments and garlands,

She is painted with kumkum on her forehead,

She is red and tender like the japa flower.

१. श्रीमाता –

She who is the auspicious Mother

२. श्रीमहाराज्ञी –

She who is the Empress of the Universe

३. श्रीमत्सिंहासनेश्वरी –

She who is the queen of the most glorious throne

४. चिदग्निकुण्डसम्भूता –

She who was born in the fire-pit of Pure Consciousness

५. देवकार्यसमुद्यता –

She who is intent on fulfilling the wishes of the gods

६. उद्यद्भानुसहस्राभा –

She who has the radiance of a thousand rising suns

७. चतुर्बाहुसमन्विता –

She who is four-armed

८. रागस्वरूपपाशाढ्या –

She who is holding the rope of love in Her hand

९. क्रोधाकाराङ्कुशोज्ज्वला –

She who shines, bearing the goad of anger

१०. मनोरूपेक्षुकोदण्डा –

She who holds in Her hand a sugarcane bow that represents the mind

११. पञ्चतन्मात्रसायका –

She who holds the five subtle elements as arrows

१२. निजारुणप्रभापूरमज्जद्ब्रह्माण्डमण्डला –

she who immerses the entire universe in the red efflugence of Her form

१३. चम्पकाशोकपुन्नागसौगन्धिकलसत्कचा –

She whose hair has been adorned with flowers like campaka, ashoka, punnAga and saugandhika

१४. कुरुविन्दमणिश्रेणीकनत्कोटीरमण्डिता –

She who is resplendent with a crown adorned with rows of  kuruvinda gems

१५. अष्टमीचन्द्रविभ्राजदलिकस्थलशोभिता –

She whose forehead shines like the crescent moon of the eighth night of the lunar half-month

१६. मुखचन्द्रकलङ्काभमृगनाभिविशेषका –

She who wears a musk mark on Her forehead which shines like the spot in the moon

१७. वदनस्मरमाङ्गल्यगृहतोरणचिल्लिका –

She whose eyebrows shine like the archways leading to the house of kAma, the god of love, which Her face resembles

१८. वक्त्रलक्ष्मीपरीवाहचलन्मीनाभलोचना –

She whose eyes possess the luster of the fish that move about

    in the stream of beauty flowing from Her face

१९. नवचम्पकपुष्पाभनासादण्डविराजिता –

She who is resplendent with a nose that has the beauty of a newly blossoming campaka flower

२०. ताराकान्तितिरस्कारिनासाभरणभासुरा –

She who shines with a nose-ornament that excels the luster of a star

२१. कदम्बमञ्जरीक्लृप्तकर्णपूरमनोहरा –

She who is captivating, wearing bunches of kadamba flowers as ear-ornaments

२२. ताटङ्कयुगलीभूततपनोडुपमण्डला –

She who wears the sun and the moon as a pair of large earrings

२३. पद्मरागशिलादर्शपरिभाविकपोलभूः –

She whose cheeks excel mirrors made of rubies in their beauty

२४. नवविद्रुमबिम्बश्रीन्यक्कारिरदनच्छदा –

She whose lips excel freshly cut coral and bimba fruit in their reflective splendor

२५. शुद्धविद्याङ्कुराकारद्विजपङ्क्तिद्वयोज्ज्वला –

She who has radiant teeth which resemble the buds of pure knowledge

२६. कर्पूरवीटिकामोदसमाकर्षिदिगन्तरा

She who is enjoying a camphor-laden betel roll, the fragrance of which is attracting people from all directions

२७. निजसल्लापमाधुर्यविनिर्भर्त्सितकच्छपी –

She who excels even the veeNa of sarasvatI in the sweetness of Her speech

२८. मन्दस्मितप्रभापूरमज्जत्कामेशमानसा –

She who submerges even the mind of KAmesha(Lord shiva) in the radiance of Her smile

२९. अनाकलितसादृश्यचिबुकश्रीविराजिता –

She whose chin cannot be compared to anything(it is beyond camporison because of its unparalleled beauty)

३०. कामेशबद्धमाङ्गल्यसूत्रशोभितकन्धरा –

She whose neck is adorned with the marriage thread tied by KAmesha

३१. कनकाङ्गदकेयूरकमनीयभुजान्विता –

She whose arms are beautifully adorned with golden armlets

३२. रत्नग्रैवेयचिन्ताकलोलमुक्ताफलान्विता –

She whose neck is resplendent with a gem-studded necklace with a locket made of pearl

३३. कामेश्वरप्रेमरत्नमणिप्रतिपणस्तनी –

She who gives Her breasts to KAmeshvara in return for the gem of love He bestows on Her

३४. नाभ्यालवालरोमालिलताफलकुचद्वयी –

She whose breasts are the fruits on the creeper of the fine hairline that starts in the depths of Her navel and spreads upwards

३५. लक्ष्यरोमलताधारतासमुन्नेयमध्यमा –

She who has a waist, the existence of which can only be inferred by the fact that the creeper of Her hairline springs from it

३६. स्तनभारदलन्मध्यपट्टबन्धवलित्रया –

She whose abdomen has three folds which form a belt to support Her waist from breaking under the weight of Her breasts

३७. अरुणारुणकौसुम्भवस्त्रभास्वत्कटीतटी –

She whose hips are adorned with a garment as red as the rising sun, which is dyed with an extract from safflower (kusumbha) blossoms

३८. रत्नकिङ्किणिकारम्यरशनादामभूषिता –

She who is adorned with a girdle which is decorated with many gem-studded bells

३९. कामेशज्ञातसौभाग्यमार्दवोरुद्वयान्विता –

The beauty and softness of whose thighs are known only to kAmesha, Her husband

४०. माणिक्यमकुटाकारजानुद्वयविराजिता –

She whose knees are like crowns shaped from the precious red jewel, mAnikya (a kind of ruby)

४१. इन्द्रगोपपरिक्षिप्तस्मरतूणाभजङ्घिका –

She whose calves gleam like the jewel-covered quiver of the God of Love.

४२. गूढगुल्फा

She whose ankles are hidden

४३. कूर्मपृष्ठजयिष्णुप्रपदान्विता

She whose feet have arches that rival the back of a tortoise in smooothness and beauty

४४. नखदीधितिसन्छन्ननमज्जनतमोगुणा

She whose toenails give out such a radiance that all the darkness of ignorance is dispelled completely from those devotees who prostrate at Her feet

४५. पदद्वयप्रभाजालपराकृतसरोरुहा

She whose feet defeat lotus flowers in radiance

४६. शिञ्जानमणिमञ्जिरमण्डितश्रीपदाम्बुजा

She whose auspicious lotus feet are adorned with gem-studded golden anklets that tinkle sweetly

४७. मरालीमन्दगमना

She whose gait is as slow and gentle as that of a swan

४८. महालावण्यशेवधिः

She who is the treasure-house of beauty

४९. सर्वारुणा

She who is entirely red in complexion

५०. अनवद्याङ्गी

She whose body is worthy of worship

५१. सर्वाभरणभूषिता

She who is resplendent with all types of ornaments

५२. शिवकामेश्वराङ्कस्था

She who sits in the lap of shiva, who is the conqueror of desire

५३. शिवा

She who bestows all that is auspicious

५४. स्वाधीनवल्लभा

She who keeps Her husband always under Her control

५५. सुमेरुमध्यशृङ्गस्था

She who sits on the middle peak of Mount Sumeru

५६. श्रीमन्नगरनायिका

She who is the Mistress of the most auspicious (or prosperous)

५७. चिन्तामणिगृहान्तस्था

She who resides in a house built of the chintAmaNi

५८. पञ्चब्रह्मासनस्थिता

She who sits on a seat made of five BrahmAs

५९. महापद्माटवीसंस्था

She who resides in the great lotus forest

६०. कदम्बवनवासिनी

She who resides in the kadamba forest

६१. सुधासागरमध्यस्था

She who resides in the center of the ocean of nectar

६२. कामाक्षी

She whose eyes awaken desire, or She who has beautiful eyes

६३. कामदायिनी

She who grants all wishes

६४. देवर्षिगणसङ्घातस्तूयमानात्मवैभवा

She whose might is the subject of praise by multitudes of gods and sages

६५. भण्डासुरवधोद्युक्तशक्तिसेनासमन्विता

She who is endowed with an army of shaktis intent on slaying bhandasura

६६. सम्पत्करीसमारूढसिन्धुरव्रजसेविता

Who is attended by a herd of elephants ably commanded by sampatkarI

६७. अश्वारूढाधिष्ठिताश्वकोटिकोटिभिरावृता

She who is surrounded by a cavalry of several million horses which are under the command of the shakti, ashvarudha

६८. चक्रराजरथारूढसर्वायुधपरिष्कृता

She who shines in Her chariot chakrarAja, equipped with all kinds of weapons

६९. गेयचक्ररथारूढमन्त्रिणीपरिसेविता

She who is served by the shakti named mantriNI who rides the chariot known as geyacakra

७०. किरिचक्ररथारूढदण्डनाथापुरस्कृता

She who is escorted by the shakti known as daNDanAthA, seated in the kirichakra chariot

७१. ज्वालामालिनिकाक्षिप्तवह्निप्राकारमध्यगा

She who has taken position at the center of the fortress of fire created by the goddess, jvAlAmAlinI

७२. भण्डसैन्यवधोद्युक्तशक्तिविक्रमहर्षिता

She who rejoices at the valor of the shaktis who are intent on destroying the forces of bhaNDAsura

७३. नित्यापराक्रमाटोपनिरीक्षणसमुत्सुका

She who delights in seeing the might and the pride of Her nityA deities

७४. भण्डपुत्रवधोद्युक्तबालाविक्रमनन्दिता

She who delights in seeing the valor of the goddess bAla who is intent on killing the sons of bhaNDa

७५. मन्त्रिण्यम्बाविरचितविषङ्गवधतोषिता

She who rejoices at the destruction, in battle, of the demon viShaNga by the mantriNI shakti

७६. विशुक्रप्राणहरणवाराहीवीर्यनन्दिता

She who is pleased with the prowess of vArAhI who took the life of vishukra

७७. कामेश्वरमुखालोककल्पितश्रीगणेश्वरा

She who gives rise to gaNesha by a glance at the face of kAmeshvara

७८. महागणेशनिर्भिन्नविघ्नयन्त्रप्रहर्षिता

She who rejoices when gaNesha shatters all obstacles

७९. भण्डासुरेन्द्रनिर्मुक्तशस्त्रप्रत्यस्त्रवर्षिणी

She who showers counter weapons to each weapon fired at Her by bhandasura

८०. कराङ्गुलिनखोत्पन्ननारायणदशाकृतिः

She who created from Her fingernails all ten incarnations of Narayana (viShNu)

८१. महापाशुपतास्त्राग्निनिर्दग्धासुरसैनिका

She who burned the armies of the demons in the fire of the missile, mahApAshupata

८२. कामेश्वरास्त्रनिर्दग्धसभण्डासुरशून्यका

She who burned and destroyed bhaNDAsura and his capital shUnyaka with the kAmeshvara missle

८३. ब्रह्मोपेन्द्रमहेन्द्रादिदेवसंस्तुतवैभवा

She whose many powers are extolled by brahmA, viShNu, shiva and other gods

८४. हरनेत्राग्निसन्दग्धकामसञ्जीवनौषधिः

She who became the life-giving medicine for kAmadeva (the god of love) who had been burned to ashes by the fire from shiva’s (third) eye

८५. श्रीमद्वाग्भवकूटैकस्वरूपमुखपङ्कजा

She whose lotus face is the auspicious vAgbhavakUTa (a group of syllables of the panchadashi mantra)

८६. कण्ठाधःकटिपर्यन्तमध्यकूटस्वरूपिणी

She who from Her neck to Her waist is of the form of the madhyakUTa (the middle six syllables of the panchadashAkShari mantra)

८७. शक्तिकूटैकतापन्नकट्यधोभागधारिणी

She whose form below the waist is the shaktikUTa (the last four syllables of the pancadashAkShari mantra)

८८. मूलमन्त्रात्मिका

She who is the embodiment of the mUla mantra (the pancadashAkShari mantra)

८९. मूलकूटत्रयकलेवरा

She whose (subtle) body is made of the three parts of the pancadashAkShari mantra

९०. कुलामृतैकरसिका

She who is especially fond of the nectar known as kula

९१. कुलसङ्केतपालिनी

She who protects the code of rituals of the path of yoga known as kula

९२. कुलाङ्गना

She who is well-born (who is from a good family)

९३. कुलान्तस्था

She who resides in the kula vidyA

९४. कौलिनी

She who belongs to the kula

९५. कुलयोगिनी

She who is the deity in the kulas

९६. अकुला

She who does not have a family

९७. समयान्तस्था

She who resides inside ‘samaya’

४२. गूढगुल्फा

She whose ankles are hidden

४३. कूर्मपृष्ठजयिष्णुप्रपदान्विता

She whose feet have arches that rival the back of a tortoise in smooothness and beauty

४४. नखदीधितिसन्छन्ननमज्जनतमोगुणा

She whose toenails give out such a radiance that all the darkness of ignorance is dispelled completely from those devotees who prostrate at Her feet

४५. पदद्वयप्रभाजालपराकृतसरोरुहा

She whose feet defeat lotus flowers in radiance

४६. शिञ्जानमणिमञ्जिरमण्डितश्रीपदाम्बुजा

She whose auspicious lotus feet are adorned with gem-studded golden anklets that tinkle sweetly

४७. मरालीमन्दगमना

She whose gait is as slow and gentle as that of a swan

४८. महालावण्यशेवधिः

She who is the treasure-house of beauty

४९. सर्वारुणा

She who is entirely red in complexion

५०. अनवद्याङ्गी

She whose body is worthy of worship

५१. सर्वाभरणभूषिता

She who is resplendent with all types of ornaments

५२. शिवकामेश्वराङ्कस्था

She who sits in the lap of shiva, who is the conqueror of desire

५३. शिवा

She who bestows all that is auspicious

५४. स्वाधीनवल्लभा

She who keeps Her husband always under Her control

५५. सुमेरुमध्यशृङ्गस्था

She who sits on the middle peak of Mount Sumeru

५६. श्रीमन्नगरनायिका

She who is the Mistress of the most auspicious (or prosperous)

५७. चिन्तामणिगृहान्तस्था

She who resides in a house built of the chintAmaNi

५८. पञ्चब्रह्मासनस्थिता

She who sits on a seat made of five BrahmAs

५९. महापद्माटवीसंस्था

She who resides in the great lotus forest

६०. कदम्बवनवासिनी

She who resides in the kadamba forest

६१. सुधासागरमध्यस्था

She who resides in the center of the ocean of nectar

६२. कामाक्षी

She whose eyes awaken desire, or She who has beautiful eyes

६३. कामदायिनी

She who grants all wishes

६४. देवर्षिगणसङ्घातस्तूयमानात्मवैभवा

She whose might is the subject of praise by multitudes of gods and sages

६५. भण्डासुरवधोद्युक्तशक्तिसेनासमन्विता

She who is endowed with an army of shaktis intent on slaying bhaNDAsura

६६. सम्पत्करीसमारूढसिन्धुरव्रजसेविता

Who is attended by a herd of elephants ably commanded by sampatkarI

६७. अश्वारूढाधिष्ठिताश्वकोटिकोटिभिरावृता

She who is surrounded by a cavalry of several million horses which are under the command of the shakti, ashvArUDhA

६८. चक्रराजरथारूढसर्वायुधपरिष्कृता

She who shines in Her chariot chakrarAja, equipped with all kinds of weapons

६९. गेयचक्ररथारूढमन्त्रिणीपरिसेविता

She who is served by the shakti named mantriNI who rides the chariot known as geyacakra

७०. किरिचक्ररथारूढदण्डनाथापुरस्कृता

She who is escorted by the shakti known as daNDanAthA, seated in the kirichakra chariot

७१. ज्वालामालिनिकाक्षिप्तवह्निप्राकारमध्यगा

She who has taken position at the center of the fortress of fire created by the goddess, jvAlAmAlinI

७२. भण्डसैन्यवधोद्युक्तशक्तिविक्रमहर्षिता

She who rejoices at the valor of the shaktis who are intent on destroying the forces of bhaNDAsura

७३. नित्यापराक्रमाटोपनिरीक्षणसमुत्सुका

She who delights in seeing the might and the pride of Her nityA deities

७४. भण्डपुत्रवधोद्युक्तबालाविक्रमनन्दिता

She who delights in seeing the valor of the goddess bAla who is intent on killing the sons of bhaNDa

७५. मन्त्रिण्यम्बाविरचितविषङ्गवधतोषिता

She who rejoices at the destruction, in battle, of the demon viShaNga by the mantriNI shakti

७६. विशुक्रप्राणहरणवाराहीवीर्यनन्दिता

She who is pleased with the prowess of vArAhI who took the life of vishukra

७७. कामेश्वरमुखालोककल्पितश्रीगणेश्वरा

She who gives rise to gaNesha by a glance at the face of kAmeshvara

७८. महागणेशनिर्भिन्नविघ्नयन्त्रप्रहर्षिता

She who rejoices when gaNesha shatters all obstacles

७९. भण्डासुरेन्द्रनिर्मुक्तशस्त्रप्रत्यस्त्रवर्षिणी

She who showers counter weapons to each weapon fired at Her by bhaNDAsura

८०. कराङ्गुलिनखोत्पन्ननारायणदशाकृतिः

She who created from Her fingernails all ten incarnations of NArAyaNa (viShNu)

८१. महापाशुपतास्त्राग्निनिर्दग्धासुरसैनिका

She who burned the armies of the demons in the fire of the missile, mahApAshupata

८२. कामेश्वरास्त्रनिर्दग्धसभण्डासुरशून्यका

She who burned and destroyed bhaNDAsura and his capital shUnyaka with the kAmeshvara missle

८३. ब्रह्मोपेन्द्रमहेन्द्रादिदेवसंस्तुतवैभवा

She whose many powers are extolled by brahmA, viShNu, shiva and other gods

८४. हरनेत्राग्निसन्दग्धकामसञ्जीवनौषधिः

She who became the life-giving medicine for kAmadeva (the god of love) who had been burned to ashes by the fire from shiva’s(third) eye

८५. श्रीमद्वाग्भवकूटैकस्वरूपमुखपङ्कजा

She whose lotus face is the auspicious vAgbhavakUTa (a group of syllables of the panchadashi mantra)

८६. कण्ठाधःकटिपर्यन्तमध्यकूटस्वरूपिणी

She who from Her neck to Her waist is of the form of the madhyakUTa (the middle six syllables of the panchadashAkShari mantra)

८७. शक्तिकूटैकतापन्नकट्यधोभागधारिणी

She whose form below the waist is the shaktikUTa (the last four syllables of the pancadashAkShari mantra)

८८. मूलमन्त्रात्मिका

She who is the embodiment of the mUla mantra (the pancadashAkShari mantra)

८९. मूलकूटत्रयकलेवरा

She whose (subtle) body is made of the three parts of the pancadashAkShari mantra

९०. कुलामृतैकरसिका

She who is especially fond of the nectar known as kula

९१. कुलसङ्केतपालिनी

She who protects the code of rituals of the path of yoga known as kula

९२. कुलाङ्गना

She who is well-born (who is from a good family)

९३. कुलान्तस्था

She who resides in the kula vidyA

९४. कौलिनी

She who belongs to the kula

९५. कुलयोगिनी

She who is the deity in the kulas

९६. अकुला

She who does not have a family

९७. समयान्तस्था

She who resides inside ‘samaya’

९८. समयाचारतत्परा

She who is attached to the samaya form of worship

९९. मूलाधारैकनिलया

She whose principal abode is the mUlAdhAra

१००. ब्रह्मग्रन्थिविभेदिनी

She who breaks through the knot of brahma

१०१. मणिपूरान्तरुदिता

She who emerges in the maNipUra cakra

१०२. विष्णुग्रन्थिविभेदिनी

She who breaks through the knot of viShNu

१०३. आज्ञाचक्रान्तरालस्था

She who resides at the center of the Aj~nA chakra

१०४. रुद्रग्रन्थिविभेदिनी

She who breaks through the knot of shiva

१०५. सहस्राराम्बुजारूढा

She who ascends to the thousand-petaled lotus

१०६. सुधासाराभिवर्षिणी

She who pours out streams of ambrosia

१०७. तडिल्लतासमरुचिः

She who is as beautiful as a flash of lightning

१०८. षट्चक्रोपरिसंस्थिता

She who resides above the six chakrAs

१०९. महासक्तिः

She who is greatly attached to the festive union of shiva and shakti

११०. कुण्डलिनी

She who has the form a coil

१११. बिसतन्तुतनीयसी

She who is fine and delicate as the fiber of the lotus

११२. भवानी

She who is the wife of bhava (shiva)

११३. भावनागम्या

She who is unattainable through imagination or thought

११४. भवारण्यकुठारिका

She who is like an axe to clear the jungle of samsAra

११५. भद्रप्रिया

She who is fond of all auspicious things – who gives all auspicious things

११६. भद्रमूर्तिः

She who is the embodiment of auspiciousness or benevolence

११७. भक्तसौभाग्यदायिनी

She who confers prosperity on Her devotees

११८. भक्तिप्रिया

She who is fond of (and pleased by) devotion

११९. भक्तिगम्या

She who is attained only through devotion

१२०. भक्तिवश्या

She who is to be won over by devition

१२१. भयापहा

She who dispels fear

१२२. शाम्भवी

She who is the wife of shambhu (shiva)

१२३. शारदाराध्या

She who is worshipped by sharadA (sarasvatI, the goddess of speech)

१२४. शर्वाणी

She who is the wife of sharva (shiva)

१२५. शर्मदायिनी

She who confers happiness

१२६. शाङ्करी

She who gives happiness

१२७. श्रीकरी

She who bestows riches in abundance

१२८. साध्वी

She who is chaste

१२९. शरच्चन्द्रनिभानना

She whose face shines like the full moon in the clear autumn sky

१३०. शातोदरी

She who is slender-waister

१३१. शान्तिमती

She who is peaceful

१३२. निराधारा

She who is without dependence

१३३. निरञ्जना

She who stays unattached, bound to nothing

१३४. निर्लेपा

She who is free from all impurities arising from action

१३५. निर्मला

She who is free from all impurities

१३६. नित्या

She who is eternal

१३७. निराकरा

She who is without form

१३८. निराकुला

She who is without agitation

१३९. निर्गुणा

She who is beyond all three gunas of nature, namely sattva,rajas and tamas

१४०. निष्कला

She who is without parts

१४१. शान्ता

She who is tranquil

१४२. निष्कामा

She who is without desire

१४३. निरुपप्लवा

She who is indestructible

१४४. नित्यमुक्ता

She who is ever free from worldly bonds

१४५. निर्विकारा

She who is unchanging

१४६. निष्प्रपञ्चा

She who is not of this universe

१४७. निराश्रया

She who does not depend on anything

१४८. नित्यशुद्धा

She who is eternally pure

१४९. नित्यबुद्धा

She who is ever wise

१५०. निरवद्या

She who is blameless or She who is praiseworthy

१५१. निरन्तरा

She who is all-pervading

१५२. निष्कारणा

She who is without cause

१५३. निष्कलङ्का

She who is faultless

१५४. निरुपाधिः

She who is not conditioned or has no limitations

१५५. निरीश्वरा

She who has no superior or protector

१५६. नीरागा

She who has no desire

१५७. रागमथनी

She who destroys desires (passions)

१५८. निर्मदा

She who is without pride

१५९. मदनाशिनी

She who destroys pride

१६०. निश्चिन्ता

She who has no anxiety in anything

१६१. निरहङ्कारा

She who is without egoism. She who is without the concept of ‘I’ and ‘mine’

१६२. निर्मोहा

She who is free from delusion

१६३. मोहनाशिनी

She who destroys delusion in Her devotees

१६४. निर्ममा

She who has no self-interest in anything

१६५. ममताहन्त्री

She who destroys the sense of ownership

१६६. निष्पापा

She who is without sin

१६७. पापनाशिनी

She who destroys all the sins of Her devotees niShkrodhA

१६८. निष्क्रोधा

She who is without anger

१६९. क्रोधशमनी

She who destroys anger in Her devotees

१७०. निर्लोभा

She who is without greed

१७१. लोभनाशिनी

She who destroys greed in Her devotees

१७२. निःसंशया

She who is without doubts

१७३. संशयघ्नी

She who kills all doubts

१७४. निर्भवा

She who is without origin

१७५. भवनाशिनी

She who destroys the sorrow of samsAra (the cycle of birth and death)

१७६. निर्विकल्पा

She who is free of false imaginings

१७७. निराबाधा

She who is not disturbed by anything

१७८. निर्भेदा

She who is beyond all sense of difference

१७९. भेदनाशिनी

She who removes from Her devotees all sense of differences born of vAsanAs

१८०. निर्नाशा

She who is imperishable

१८१. मृत्युमथनी

She who destroys death

१८२. निष्क्रिया

She who remains without action

१८३. निष्परिग्रहा

She who does not acquire or accept anything

१८४. निस्तुला

She who is incomparable, unequalled

१८५. नीलचिकुरा

She who has shining black hair

१८६. निरपाया

She who is imperishable

१८७. निरत्यया

She who cannot be transgressed

१८८. दुर्लभा

She who is won only with much difficulty

१८९. दुर्गमा

She who is approachable only with extreme effort

१९०. दुर्गा

She who is the Goddess DurgA

१९१. दुःखहन्त्री

She who is the destroyer of sorrow

१९२. सुखप्रदा

She who is the giver of happiness

१९३. दुष्टदूरा

She who is unapproachable by sinners

१९४. दुराचारशमनी

She who stops evil customs

१९५. दोषवर्जिता

She who is free from all faults

१९६. सर्वज्ञा

She who is omniscient

१९७. सान्द्रकरुणा

She who shows intense compassion

१९८. समानाधिकवर्जिता

She who has neither equal nor superior

१९९. सर्वशक्तिमयी

She who has all the divine powers (she who is omnipotent)

२००. सर्वमङ्गला

She who is the source of all that is auspicious

२०१. सद्गतिप्रदा

She who leads into the right path

२०२. सर्वेश्वरी

She who rules over all the living and non-living things

२०३. सर्वमयी

She who pervades every living and non-living thing

२०४. सर्वमन्त्रस्वरूपिणी

She who is the essence of all the mantras

२०५. सर्वयन्त्रात्मिका

She who is the soul of all yantras

२०६. सर्वतन्त्ररूपा

She who is the soul(embodiment) of all tantras

२०७. मनोन्मनी

She who is shiva’s shakti

२०८. माहेश्वरी

She who is the wife of maheshvara

२०९. महादेवी

She who has the immeasurable body

२१०. महालक्ष्मी

She who is the great goddess lakShmI

२११. मृडप्रिया

She who is the beloved of mRiDa (shiva)

२१२. महारूपा

She who has a great form

२१३. महापूज्या

She who is the greatest object of worship

२१४. महापातकनाशिनी

She who destroys even the greatest of sins

२१५. महामाया

She who is the great illusion

२१६. महासत्त्वा

She who possesses great sattva

२१७. महाशक्तिः

She who has great power

२१८. महारतिः

She who is boundless delight

२१९. महाभोगा

She who has immense wealth

२२०. महैश्वर्या

She who has supreme sovereignty

२२१. महावीर्या

She who is supreme in valor

२२२. महाबला

She who is supreme in might

२२३. महाबुद्धिः

She who is supreme in intelligence

२२४. महासिद्धिः

She who is endowed with the highest attainments

२२५. महायोगेश्वरेश्वरी

She who is the object of worship even by the greatest of yogis

२२६. महातन्त्रा

She who is worshipped by the great Tantras such as kulArnava and jnAnArnava

२२७. महामन्त्रा

She who is the greatest mantra

२२८. महायन्त्रा

She who is in the form of the great yantras

२२९. महासना

She who is seated on great seats

२३०. महायागक्रमाराध्या

She who is worshipped by the ritual of mahAyAga

२३१. महाभैरवपूजिता

She who is worshipped even by mahAbhairava (shiva)

२३२. महेश्वरमहाकल्पमहाताण्डवसाक्षिणी

She who is the witness of the great dance of maheshvara (shiva) at the end of the great cycle of creation

२३३. महाकामेशमहिषी

She who is the great queen of mahAkAmeshvara (shiva)

२३४. महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी

She who is the great tripurasundarI

२३५. चतुष्षष्ट्युपचाराढ्या

She who is adored in sixty-four ceremonies

२३६. चतुष्षष्टिकलामयी

She who embodies the sixty-four fine arts

२३७. महाचतुष्षष्टिकोटियोगिनीगणसेविता

She who is attended (served) by sixty-four crores of bands of yoginis

२३८. मनुविद्या

She who is the embodiment of manuvidyA

२३९. चन्द्रविद्या

She who is the embodiment of chandravidya

२४०. चन्द्रमण्डलमध्यगा

She who resides in the center of chandramaNDala, the moon’s disc

२४१. चारुरूपा

She who has a beauty that does not wax or wane

२४२. चारुहासा

She who has a beautiful smile

२४३. चारुचन्द्रकलाधरा

She who wears of beautiful crescent moon that does not wax or wane

२४४. चराचरजगन्नाथा

She who is the ruler of the animate and inanimate worlds

२४५. चक्रराजनिकेतना

She who abides in the shrI chakra

२४६. पार्वती

She who is the daughter of the Mountain (Mount Himavat or HimAlaya)

२४७. पद्मनयना

She who has eyes that are long and beautiful like the petals of the lotus flower

२४८. पद्मरागसमप्रभा

She who has a resplendent red complexion like the ruby

२४९. पञ्चप्रेतासनासीना

She who sits on the seat formed by the five corpses

२५०. पञ्चब्रह्मस्वरुपिणी

She whose form is composed of the five brahmas

२५१. चिन्मयी

She who is consciousness itself

२५२. परमानन्दा

She who is supreme bliss

२५३. विज्ञानघनरूपिणी

She who is the embodiment of all-pervading solid intelligence

२५४. ध्यानध्यातृध्येयरूपा

She who shines as meditation, meditator and the object of meditation

२५५. धर्माधर्मविवर्जिता

She who is devoid of(who transcends) both virtue and vice

२५६. विश्वरुपा

She who has the whole universe as Her form

२५७. जागरिणी

She who is in the waking state, or She who assumes the form of the jIva who is in the waking state

२५८. स्वपन्ती

She who is in the dream state or She who assumes the form of the jIva in the dream state

२५९. तैजसात्मिका

She who is the soul of taijasA (jIva in the dream state, proud of its subtle body)

२६०. सुप्ता

She who is in the deep-sleep state or assumes the form of the jiva experiencing deep sleep

२६१. प्राज्ञात्मिका

She who is not separate from prAj~nA (deep sleep)

२६२. तुर्या

She who is in the state of turya (fourth state in which the ultimate realization of Atman is obtained)

२६३. सर्वावस्थाविवर्जिता

She who transcends all states

२६४. सृष्टिकर्त्री

She who is the creator

२६५. ब्रह्मरूपा

She who is in the form of brahma

२६६. गोप्त्री

She who protects

२६७. गोविन्दरूपिणी

She who has assumed the form of govinda (viShNu) for the preservation of the universe

२६८. संहारिणी

She who is the destroyer of the universe

२६९. रुद्ररूपा

She who is has assumed the form of rudra (shiva) for the dissolution of the universe

२७०. तिरोधानकरी

She who causes the disappearance of all things

२७१. ईश्वरी

She who protects and rules everything

२७२. सदाशिवा

She who is sadAshiva, one who always bestows auspiciousness

२७३. अनुग्रहदा

She who confers blessing

२७४. पञ्चकृत्यपरायणा

She who is devoted to the five functions (of creation, preservation, destruction, annihilation and reappearance)

२७५. भानुमण्डलमध्यस्था

She who abides at the center of the sun’s disc

२७६. भैरवी

She who is the wife of bhairava (shiva)

२७७. भगमालिनी

She who wears a garland made of the six excellences (of auspiciousness, supremacy, fame, valor, detachment and knowledge)

२७८. पद्मासना

She who is seated in the lotus flower

२७९. भगवती

She who protects those who worship Her

२८०. पद्मनाभसहोदरी

She who is viShNu’s sister

२८१. उन्मेषनिमिषोत्पन्नविपन्नभुवनावली

She who causes a series of worlds to arise and disappear with the opening and closing of Her eyes

२८२. सहस्रशीर्षवदना

She who has a thousand heads and faces

२८३. सहस्राक्षी

She who has a thousand eyes

२८४. सहस्रपात्

She who has a thousand feet

२८५. आब्रह्मकीटजननी

She who is the mother of everything from brahmA to the lowliest  insect

२८६. वर्णाश्रमविधायिनि

She who established the order of the social division in life

२८७. निजाज्ञारूपनिगमा

She whose commands take the form of the vedas

२८८. पुण्यापुण्यफलप्रदा

She who dispenses the fruits of both good and evil actions

२८९. श्रुतिसीमन्तसिन्दूरीकृतपादाब्जधूलिका

She who is the one the dust from whose feet forms the vermillion marks at the parting line of the hair of the shruti devatAs (vedas personified as goddesses)

२९०. सकलागमसन्दोहशुक्तिसम्पुटमौक्तिका

She who is the pearl enclosed in the shell made of all the scriptures

२९१. पुरुषार्थप्रदा

She who grants the (four-fold) objects of human life

२९२. पूर्णा

She who is always whole, without growth or decay

२९३. भोगिनी

She who is the enjoyer

२९४. भुवनेश्वरी

She who is the ruler of the universe

२९५. अम्बिका

She who is the mother of the universe

२९६. अनादिनिधना

She who has neither beginning nor end

२९७. हरिब्रह्मेन्द्रसेविता

She who is attended by brahmA, viShNu and indra

२९८. नारायणी

She who is the female counterpart of nArAyaNa

२९९. नादरूपा

She who is in the form of sound

३००. नामरूपविवर्जिता

She who has no name or form

३०१. ह्रीङ्कारी

She who is the form of syllable ‘hrIM’

३०२. ह्रीमती

She who is endowed with modesty

३०३. हृद्या

She who abides in the heart

३०४. हेयोपादेयवर्जिता

She who has nothing to reject or accept

३०५. राजराजार्चिता

She who is worshipped by the King of kings

३०६. राज्ञी

She who is the queen of shiva, the Lord of all kings

३०७. रम्या

She who gives delight; She who is lovely

३०८. राजीवलोचना

She whose eyes are like rAjiva (lotus)

३०९. रञ्जनी

She who delights the mind

३१०. रमणी

She who gives joy

३११. रस्या

She who is to be enjoyed; She who enjoys

३१२. रणत्किङ्किणिमेखला

She who wears a girdle of tinkling bells

३१३. रमा

She who has become lakShmI and sarasvatI

३१४. राकेन्दुवदना

She who has a delightful face like the full moon

३१५. रतिरूपा

She who is in the form of rati, the wife of kAma

३१६. रतिप्रिया

She who is fond of rati; She who is served by rati

३१७. रक्षाकरी

She who is the protector

३१८. राक्षसघ्नी

She who is the slayer of the entire race of demons

३१९. रामा

She who gives delight

३२०. रमणलम्पटा

She who is devoted to the Lord of Her heart, Lord shiva

३२१. काम्या

She who is to be desired

३२२. कामकलारूपा

She who is in the form of kAmakalA

३२३. कदम्बकुसुमप्रिया

She who is especially fond of kadamba flowers

३२४. कल्याणी

She who bestows auspiciousness

३२५. जगतीकन्दा

She who is the root of the whole world

३२६. करुणारससागरा

She who is the ocean of compassion

३२७. कलावती

She who is the embodiment of all arts

३२८. कलालापा

She who speaks musically and sweetly

३२९. कान्ता

She who is beautiful

३३०. कादम्बरीप्रिया

She who is fond of mead

३३१. वरदा

She who grants boons generously

३३२. वामनयना

She who has beautiful eyes

३३३. वारुणी मदविव्हला

She who is intoxicated by vAruNi (ambrosial drink)

३३४. विश्वाधिका

She who transcends the universe

३३५. वेदवेद्या

She who is known through the vedas

३३६. विन्ध्याचलनिवासिनी

She who resides in the vindhya mountains

३३७. विधात्री

She who creates and sustains this unverse

३३८. वेदजननी

She who is the mother of the vedas

३३९. विष्णुमाया

She who is the illusory power of viShNu

३४०. विलासिनी

She who is playful

३४१. क्षेत्रस्वरूपा

She whose body is matter

३४२. क्षेत्रेशी

She who is the wife of kShetresha (shiva)

३४३. क्षेत्रक्षेत्रज्ञपालिनी

She who is the protector of matter and the knower of matter, therefore the protector of body and soul

३४४. क्षयवृद्धिविनिर्मुक्ता

She who is free from growth and decay

३४५. क्षेत्रपालसमर्चिता

She who is worshipped by kShetrapAla (shiva in infant form)

३४६. विजया

She who is ever-victorious

३४७. विमला

She who is without a trace of impurity

३४८. वन्द्या

She who is adorable, worthy of worship

३४९. वन्दारुजनवत्सला

She who is full of motherlly love for those who worship Her

३५०. वाग्वादिनी

She who speaks

३५१. वामकेशी

She who has beautiful hair

३५२. वह्निमण्डलवासिनी

She who resides in the disc of fire

३५३. भक्तिमत्कल्पलतिका

She who is the kalpa (wish-granting) creeper to Her devotees

३५४. पशुपाशविमोचिनी

She who releases the ignorant from bondage

३५५. संहृताशेषपाषण्डा

She who destroys all heretics

३५६. सदाचारप्रवर्तिका

She who is immersed in (and inspires others to follow) right conduct

३५७. तापत्रयाग्निसन्तप्तसमाह्लादनचन्द्रिका

She who is the moonlight that gives joy to those burned by the triple fire of misery

३५८. तरुणी

She who is ever young

३५९. तापसाराध्या

She who is worshipped by ascetics

३६०. तनुमध्या

She who is slender-waisted

३६१. तमोऽपहा

She who removes the ignorance born of tamas

३६२. चित् (चितिः) –

She who is in the form of pure intelligence

३६३. तत्पदलक्ष्यार्था

She who is the embodiment of truth (which is indicated by the word ‘tat’)

३६४. चिदेकरसरूपिणी

She who is of the nature of the pure intelligence. She who is the cause of knowledge

३६५. स्वात्मानन्दलवीभूतब्रह्माद्यानन्दसन्ततिः

She who makes the bliss of brahmA and others insignificant compared to Her own bliss

३६६. परा

She who is the supreme; She who transcends all

३६७. प्रत्यक्चितीरूपा

She who is of the nature of unmanifested consciousness or of unmanifested brahman

३६८. पश्यन्ती

She who is pashyantI, the second level of sound after parA in the svAdhiShTAna chakra

३६९. परदेवता

She who is the supreme deity; parAshakti

३७०. मध्यमा

She who stays in the middle

३७१. वैखरीरूपा

She who is in the form of vaikharI (sound in the manifested, audible form)

३७२. भक्तमानसहंसिका

She who is the swan in the minds of Her devotees

३७३. कामेश्वरप्राणनाडी

She who is the very life of kAmeshvara, Her consort

३७४. कृतज्ञा

She who knows all of our actions as they occur

३७५. कामपूजिता

She who is worshipped by kAma

३७६. शृङ्गाररससम्पूर्णा

She who is filled with the essence of Love

३७७. जया

She who is victorious always and everywhere

३७८. जालन्धरस्थिता

She who resides in the jAlandhara pITha (in the throat region)

३७९. ओड्याणपीठनिलया

She whose abode is the center known as oDyANa (in the Aj~nA chakra)

३८०. बिन्दुमण्डलवासिनी

She who resides in the bindumaNDala (in shrI chakra)

३८१. रहोयागक्रमाराध्या

She who is worshipped in secret through sacrificial rites

३८२. रहस्तर्पणतर्पिता

She who is to be gratified by the secret rites of worship

३८३. सद्यःप्रसादिनी

She who bestows Her grace immediately

३८४. विश्वसाक्षिणी

She who is witness to the whole universe

३८५. साक्षिवर्जिता

She who has no other witness

३८६. षडङ्गदेवतायुक्ता

She who is accompanied by the deities of the six angAs (heart,head, hair, eyes, armor and weapons)

३८७. षाड्गुण्यपरिपूरिता

She who is fully endowed with the six good qualities (prosperity, valor, dispassion, fame, wealth and wisdom)

३८८. नित्यक्लिन्ना

She who is ever compassionate

३८९. निरुपमा

She who is incomparable

३९०. निर्वाण सुखदायिनी

She who confers the bliss of Liberation

३९१. नित्याषोडशिकारूपा

She who is in the form of the sixteen daily deities (i.e.,kAmeshvari, bhagamAlinI, nityaklinnA, bheruNDA, vahnivAsinI,mahAvajreshvarI, shivadUtI, tvaritA, kulasundarI, nityA, nIlapatAkinI, vijayA, sarvamangalA, jvAlAmAlinI, chitrA and tripurasundarI)

३९२. श्रीकण्ठार्धशरीरिणी

She who possesses half of the body of shrikaNTha (shiva).She who is in the form of ardhanArishvara

३९३. प्रभावती

She who is effulgent

३९४. प्रभारूपा

She who is effulgence

३९५. प्रसिद्धा

She who is celebrated

३९६. परमेश्वरी

She who is the supreme sovereign

३९७. मूलप्रकृतिः

She who is the first cause of the entire universe

३९८. अव्यक्ता

She who is unmanifested

३९९. व्यक्ताव्यक्तस्वरूपीणि

She who is in the manifested and unmanifested forms

४००. व्यापिनी

She who is all-pervading

४०१. विविधाकारा

She who has a multitude of forms

४०२. विद्याऽविद्यास्वरूपिणी

She who is the form of both knowledge and ignorance

४०३. महाकामेशनयनकुमुदाह्लादकौमुदी

She whois the moonlight that gladdens the water-lilies that are mahAkAmesha’s eyes

४०४. भक्तहार्दतमोभेदभानुमद्भानुसन्ततिः

She who is the sunbeam which dispels the darkness from the heart of Her devotees

४०५. शिवदूती

She for whom shiva is the messenger; She who is shiva’s messenger

४०६. शिवाराध्या

She who is worshipped by shiva

४०७. शिवमूर्तिः

She whose form is shiva Himself

४०८. शिवङ्करी

She who confers prosperity (auspiciousness, happiness). She who turns Her devotees into shiva

४०९. शिवप्रिया

She who is beloved of shiva

४१०. शिवपरा

She who is solely devoted to shiva

४११. शिष्टेष्टा

She who is loved by the righteous; She who is the chosen deity of devotees; She who loves righteous people

४१२. शिष्टपूजिता

She who is always worshipped by the righteous

४१३. अप्रमेया

She who is immeasurable by the senses

४१४. स्वप्रकाशा

She who is self-luminous

४१५. मनोवाचामगोचरा

She who is beyond the range of mind and speech

४१६. चिच्छक्तिः

She who is the power of consciousness

४१७. चेतनारूपा

She who is pure consciousness

४१८. जडशक्तिः

She who is the mAyA that has transformed itself as the power of creation

४१९. जडात्मिका

She who is in the form of the inanimate world

४२०. गायत्री

She who is the gAyatrI mantra

४२१. व्याहृतिः

She who is in the nature of utterance; She who presides over the power of speech

४२२. सन्ध्या

She who is in the form of twilight

४२३. द्विजवृन्दनिषेविता

She who is worshipped by the twice-born

४२४. तत्त्वासना

She who has tattvas as Her seat; She who abides in tattva

४२५. तत्

She who is meant by ‘That’, the supreme truth, brahman

४२६. त्वं

She who is referred to, by ‘Thou’

४२७. अयी

Oh, Mother!  (The split in names of 425-427 may not be proper.)

४२८. पञ्चकोशान्तरस्थिता

She who resides within the five sheaths

४२९. निःसीममहिमा

She whose glory is limitless

४३०. नित्ययौवना

She who is ever youthful

४३१. मदशालिनी

She who is shining in a state of inebriation or intoxication

४३२. मदघूर्णितरक्ताक्षी

She whose eyes are reddened, rolling with rapture and inward-looking

४३३. मदपाटलगण्डभूः

She whose cheeks are rosy with rapture

४३४. चन्दनद्रवदिग्धाङ्गी

She whose body is smeared with sandalwood paste

४३५. चाम्पेयकुसुमप्रिया

She who is especially fond of champaka flowers

४३६. कुशला

She who is skillful

४३७. कोमलाकारा

She who is graceful in form

४३८. कुरुकुल्ला

She who is the shakti, kurukullA (residing in kuruvindA ruby)

४३९. कुलेश्वरी

She who is the ruler of kula (the triad of knower, the known and knowledge)

४४०. कुलकुण्डालया

She who abides in the kulakuNDa (the bindu at the center of the pericarp in mUlAdhAra chakra

४४१. कौलमार्गतत्परसेविता

She who is worshipped by those devoted to the kaula tradition

४४२. कुमारगणनाथाम्बा

She who is the mother of kumAra(subrahmanya) and gaNanAtha(GaNapathi)

४४३. तुष्टिः

She who is ever content

४४४. पुष्टिः

She who is the power of nourishment

४४५. मतिः

She who manifests as intelligence

४४६. धृतिः

She who is fortitude

४४७. शान्तिः

She who is tranquility itself

४४८. स्वस्तिमती

She who is the ultimate truth

४४९. कान्तिः

She who is effulgence

४५०. नन्दिनी

She who gives delight

४५१. विघ्ननाशिनी

She who destroys all obstaces

४५२. तेजोवती

She who is effulgent

४५३. त्रिनयना

She who has the sun, moon and fire as Her three eyes

४५४. लोलाक्षी

She who has rolling eyes. separate name कामरूपिणी – She who is in the form of love in women

४५५. मालिनी

She who is wearing garlands

४५६. हंसिनी

She who is not separate from hamsas (the yogins who have reached great spiritual heights)

४५७. माता

She who is the mother of the universe

४५८. मलयाचलवासिनी

She who resides in the malaya mountain

४५९. सुमुखी

She who has a beautiful face

४६०. नलिनी

She whose body is soft and beautiful like lotus petals

४६१. सुभ्रूः

She who has beautiful eyebrows

४६२. शोभना

She who is always radiant

४६३. सुरनायिका

She who is the leader of the gods

४६४. कालकण्ठी

She who is the wife of shiva

४६५. कान्तिमती

She who is radiant

४६६. क्षोभिणी

She who creates upheaval in the mind

४६७. सूक्ष्मरूपिणी

She who has a form that is too subtle to be perceived by the sense organs

४६८. वज्रेश्वरी

She who is vajreshvarI, the sixth daily deity

४६९. वामदेवी

She who is the wife of vAma deva (shiva)

४७०. वयोऽवस्थाविवर्जिता

She who is exempt from changes due to age (time)

४७१. सिद्धेश्वरि

She who is the goddess worshipped by spiritual adepts

४७२. सिद्धविद्या

She who is in the form of siddhavidyA, the fifteen-syllabled mantra

४७३. सिद्धमाता

She who is the mother of siddhas

४७४. यशस्विनी

She who is of unequalled renown

४७५. विशुद्धिचक्रनिलया

She who resides in the vishuddhi chakra

४७६. आरक्तवर्णा

She who is of slightly red (rosy) complexion

४७७. त्रिलोचना

She who has thhree eyes

४७८. खट्वाङ्गादिप्रहरणा

She who is armed with a club and other weapons

४७९. वदनैकसमन्विता

She who possesses only one face

४८०. पायसान्नप्रिया

She who is especially fond of sweet rice

४८१. त्वक्स्था

She who is the deity of the organ of touch (skin)

४८२. पशुलोकभयङ्करी

She who fills with fear the mortal beings bound by worldly existence

४८३. अमृतादिमहाशक्तिसंवृता

She who is surrounded by amRitA and other shakti deities

४८४. डाकिनीश्वरी

She who is the DAkinI deity

४८५. अनाहताब्जनिलया

She who resides in the anAhata lotus in the heart

४८६. श्यामाभा

She who is black in complexion

४८७. वदनद्वया

She who has two faces

४८८. दंष्ट्रोज्ज्वला

She who has shining tusks

४८९. अक्षमालादिधरा

She who is wearing garlands of rudrAkSha beads and other things

४९०. रुधिरसंस्थिता

She who presides over the blood in the bodies of living beings

४९१. कालरात्र्यादिशक्त्यौघवृता

She who is surrounded by kAlarAtri and other shaktis

४९२. स्निग्धौदनप्रिया

She who is fond of food offerings containing ghee, oil and other substances containing fats

४९३. महावीरेन्द्रवरदा

She who bestows boons on great warriors

४९४. राकिण्यम्बास्वरूपिणी

She who is in the form of the rAkiNi deity

४९५. मणिपूराब्जनिलया

She who resides in the ten-petaled lotus in the maNipUraka chakra

४९६. वदनत्रयसंयुता

She who has three faces

४९७. वज्रादिकायुधोपेता

She who holds the vajra (lightning bolt) and other weapons

४९८. डामर्यादिभिरावृता

She who is surrounded by DAmarI and other attending deities

४९९. रक्तवर्णा

She who is red in complexion

५००. मांसनिष्ठा

She who presides over the flesh in living beings

५०१. गुडान्नप्रीतमानसा

She who is fond of sweet rice made with raw sugar

५०२. समस्तभक्तसुखदा

She who confers happiness on all Her devotees

५०३. लाकिन्यम्बास्वरूपिणी

She who is in the form of the lAkinI yoginI

५०४. स्वाधिष्ठानाम्बुजगता

She who resides in the six-petaled lotus in the svAdhiShTAna,

kAkinI yoginI

५०५. चतुर्वक्त्रमनोहरा

She who has four beautiful faces

५०६. शूलाद्यायुधसम्पन्ना

She who possesses the trident and other weapons (i.e., noose, skull and abhaya)

५०७. पीतवर्णा

She who is yellow in color

५०८. अतिगर्विता

She who is very proud

५०९. मेदोनिष्ठा

She who resides in the fat in living beings

५१०. मधुप्रीता

She who is fond of honey and other offerings made with honey

५११. बन्धिन्यादिसमन्विता

She who is accompanied by bandhini and other shaktis

५१२. दध्यन्नासक्तहृदया

She who is particularly fond of offerings made with curd

५१३. काकिनीरूपधारिणी

She who is in the form of kAkinI yoginI

५१४. मूलाधाराम्बुजारूढा

She who is resident in the lotus in the mUlAdhAra

५१५. पञ्चवक्त्रा

She who has five faces

५१६. अस्थिसंस्थिता

She who resides in the bones

५१७. अङ्कुशादिप्रहरणा

She who holds the goad and other weapons

५१८. वरदादिनिषेविता

She who is attended by varadA and other shaktis

५१९. मुद्गौदनासक्तचित्ता

She who is particularly fond of food offerings made of mudga, a lentil

५२०. साकिन्यम्बास्वरूपिणी

She who is in the form of sAkinI yoginI

५२१. आज्ञाचक्राब्जनिलया

She who resides in the two-petaled lotus in the AjnAchakra

५२२. शुक्लवर्णा

She who is white in color

५२३. षडानना

She who has six faces

५२४. मज्जासंस्था

She who is the presiding deity of the bone marrow

५२५. हंसवतीमुख्यशक्तिसमन्विता

She who is accompanied by the shaktis hamsavatI and kShamAvati

(in the two petals of the lotus)

५२६. हरिद्रान्नैकरसिका

She who is fond of food seasoned with turmeric

५२७. हाकिनीरूपधारिणी

She who is in the form of hAkinI devI

५२८. सहस्रदलपद्मस्था

She who resides in the thousand-petaled lotus

५२९. सर्ववर्णोपशोभिता

She who is radiant in many colors

५३०. सर्वायुधधरा

She who holds all the known weapons

५३१. शुक्लसंस्थिता

She who resides in the semen

५३२. सर्वतोमुखी

She who has faces turned in all directions

५३३. सर्वौदनप्रीतचित्ता

She who is pleased by all offerings of food

५३४. याकिन्यम्बास्वरूपिणी

She who is in the form of the yAkinI yoginI

५३५. स्वाहा

She who is the object of the invocation ‘svAhA’ at the end of mantras chanted while offering oblations to the fire in yAga ceremonies

५३६. स्वधा

She who is the object of the ‘svadhA’ invocation at the end of mantras

५३७. अमतिः

She who is in the form of ignorance or nescience

५३८. मेधा

She who is in the form of wisdom (knowledge)

५३९. श्रुतिः

She who is in the form of the vedas

५४०. स्मृतिः

She who is in the form of smRiti (works based on the meaning of vedas)

५४१. अनुत्तमा

She who is the best; She who is not excelled by anyone

५४२. पुण्यकीर्तिः

She whose fame is sacred or righteous

५४३. पुण्यलभ्या

She who is attained only by righteous souls

५४४. पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तना

She who bestows merit on anyone who hears of Her and praises Her

५४५. पुलोमजार्चिता

She who is worshipped by pulomaja (Indra’s wife)

५४६. बन्धमोचनी

She who is free from bonds; She who gives release from bondage

५४७. बर्बरालका

She who has wavy locks of hair;

५४८. विमर्शरूपिणी

She who is in the form of vimarsha (reflection or meaning)

५४९. विद्या

She who is in the form of knowledge

५५०. वियदादि जगत्प्रसूः

She who is the Mother of the universe, which is the aggregate of all the elements starting with the ether

५५१. सर्वव्याधिप्रशमनी

She who removes all diseases and sorrows

५५२. सर्वमृत्युनिवारिणी

She who guards Her devotees from all

५५३. अग्रगण्या

She who is to be considered the foremost

५५४. अचिन्त्यरूपा

She who is of a form beyond the reach of thought

५५५. कलिकल्मषनाशिनी

She who is the destroyer of the sins of the age of kali

५५६. कात्यायनी

She who is the daughter of a sage named kata

५५७. कालहन्त्री

She who is the destroyer of time (death)

५५८. कमलाक्षनिषेविता

She in whom viShNu takes refuge

५५९. ताम्बूलपूरितमुखी

She whose mouth is full from chewing betel

५६०. दाडिमीकुसुमप्रभा

She who shines like a pomegranate flower

५६१. मृगाक्षी

She whose eyes are long and beautiful like those of a doe

५६२. मोहिनी

She who is enchanting

५६३. मुख्या

She who is the first

५६४. मृडानी

She who is the wife of mRiDa (shiva)

५६५. मित्ररूपिणी

She who is the friend of everyone (universe)

५६६. नित्यतृप्ता

She who is eternally contented

५६७. भक्तनिधिः

She who is the treasure of the devotees

५६८. नियन्त्री

She who controls and guides all beings on the right path

५६९. निखिलेश्वरी

She who is the ruler of all

५७०. मैत्र्यादिवासनालभ्या

She who is to be attained by love and other good dispositions

५७१. महाप्रलयसाक्षिणी

She who is witness to the great dissolution

५७२. पराशक्तिः

She who is the original, supreme power

५७३. परानिष्ठा

She who is the supreme end, the supreme abidance

५७४. प्रज्ञानघनरुपिणी

She who is pure, condensed knowledge

५७५. माध्वीपानालसा

She who is languid from drinking wine; She who is not eager for anything

५७६. मत्ता

She who is intoxicated

५७७. मातृकावर्णरूपिणी

She who is in the form of the letters of the alphabet

५७८. महाकैलासनिलया

She who resides in the great kailAsa

५७९. मृणालमृदुदोर्लता

She whose arms are as soft and cool as the lotus stem

५८०. महनीया

She who is adorable

५८१. दयामूर्तिः

She who is the personification of compassion

५८२. महासाम्राज्यशालिनी

She who controls the great empire of the three worlds

५८३. आत्मविद्या

She who is the knowledge of the self

५८४. महाविद्या

She who is the seat of exalted knowledge, the knowledge of the self

५८५. श्रीविद्या

She who is sacred knowledge (pa~nchadashi mantra)

५८६. कामसेविता

She who is worshipped by kAmadeva

५८७. श्रीषोडशाक्षरीविद्या

She who is in the form of the sixteen-syllabled mantra

५८८. त्रिकूटा

She who is in the three parts (of pa~nchadashI mantra)

५८९. कामकोटिका

She, of whom kAma (shiva) is a part or an approximate form

५९०. कटाक्षकिङ्करीभुतकमलाकोटिसेविता

She who is attended by millions of lakShmis who are subdued by Hern mere glances

५९१. शिरःस्थिता

She who resides in the head

५९२. चन्द्रनिभा

She who is resplendent like the moon

५९३. भालस्था

She who resides in the forehead (between the eyebrows)

५९४. इन्द्रधनुःप्रभा

She who is resplendent like the rainbow

५९५. हृदयस्था

She who resides in the heart

५९६. रविप्रख्या

She who shines with the special brilliance of the sun

५९७. त्रिकोणान्तरदीपिका

She who shines as a light within the triangle

५९८. दाक्षायणी

She who is satIdevI, the daughter of dakSha prajApati

५९९. दैत्यहन्त्री

She who is the killer of demons

६००. दक्षयज्ञविनाशिनी

She who is the destroyer of the sacrifice conducted by dakSha

६०१. दरान्दोलितदीर्घाक्षी

She who has long, tremulous eyes

६०२. दरहासोज्ज्वलन्मुखी

She whose face is radiant with a smile

६०३. गुरुमूर्तिः

She who has assumed a severe form or one who has assumed the form of the guru

६०४. गुणनिधिः

She who is the treasure house of all good qualities

६०५. गोमाता

She who became surabhI, the cow that grants all wishes

६०६. गुहजन्मभूः

She who is the mother of guhA (subramaNya)

६०७. देवेशी

She who is the protector of the gods

६०८. दण्डनीतिस्था

She who maintains the rules of jusstice without the slightest error

६०९. दहराकाशरूपिणी

She who is the subtle self in the heart

६१०. प्रतिपन्मुख्यराकान्ततिथिमण्डलपूजिता

She who is worshipped daily starting with pratipad (first day of the lunar half-month) and ending with the full moon

६११. कलात्मिका

She who is in the form of the kalAs

६१२. कलानाथा

She who is the mistress of all the kalAs

६१३. काव्यालापविनोदिनी

She who delights in hearing poetry

६१४. सचामररमावाणीसव्यदक्षिणसेविता

She who is attended by lakShmI on the left side and sarasvatI on the right side, bearing ceremonial fans

६१५. आदिशक्तिः

She who is the primordial power, the parAshakti who is the cause of the universe

६१६. अमेया

She who is not measurable by any means

६१७. आत्मा

She who is the self in all

६१८. परमा

She who is the supreme

६१९. पावनाकृतिः

She who is of sacred form

६२०. अनेककोटिब्रह्माण्डजननी

She who is the creator of many crores of worlds

६२१. दिव्यविग्रहा

She who has a divine body

६२२. क्लीङ्कारी

She who is creator of the syllable ‘klIM’

६२३. केवला

She who is the absolute, as She is complete, independent and without any attributes

६२४. गुह्या

She who is to be known in secret

६२५. कैवल्यपददायिनी

She who bestows liberation

६२६. त्रिपुरा

She who is older than the three (trinity of brahmaA viShNu and shiva)

६२७. त्रिजगद्वन्द्या

She who is adored by the inhabitants of all three worlds

६२८. त्रिमूर्तिः

She who is the aggregate of the trinity (brahmA, viShNu and shiva)

६२९. त्रिदशेश्वरी

She who is the ruler of the gods

६३०. त्र्यक्षरि

She whose form consists of three letters or syllables (Om = a u m)

६३१. दिव्यगन्धाढ्या

She who is richly endowed with divine fragrance

६३२. सिन्दूरतिलकाञ्चिता

She who shines witha vermillion mark on Her forehead; She who is decorated with a special paste made of vermilion

६३३. उमा

She who is pArvatI devI

६३४. शैलेन्द्रतनया

She who is the daughter of himavat, the king of the mountains

६३५. गौरी

She who has a fair complexion

६३६. गन्धर्वसेविता

She who is served by gandharvas (like vishvAvasu)

६३७. विश्वगर्भा

She who contains the whole universe in Her womb

६३८. स्वर्णगर्भा

She who is the cause of the universe

६३९. अवरदा

She who destroys the unholy

६४०. वागधीश्वरी

She who presides over speech

६४१. ध्यानगम्या

She who is to be attained through meditation

६४२. अपरिच्छेद्या

She whose limits cannot be ascertained (unlimited)

६४३. ज्ञानदा

She who gives knowledge of the self

६४४. ज्ञानविग्रहा

She who is sthe embodiment of knowledge itself

६४५. सर्ववेदान्तसंवेद्या

She who is known by all of vedAnta

६४६. सत्यानन्दस्वरूपिणी

She whose form is existence and bliss

६४७. लोपामुद्रार्चिता

She who is worshipped by lopAmudrA (wife of sage agastya)

६४८. लीलाकॢप्तब्रह्माण्डमण्डला

She who has created and maintained the universe purely as a sport

६४९. अदृश्या

She who is not perceived by sense organs (normal eyes)

६५०. दृश्यरहिता

She who has nothing to see

६५१. विज्ञात्री

She who knows the truth of the physical universe

६५२. वेद्यवर्जिता

She who has nothing left to know

६५३. योगिनी

She who is constantly united with parAshiva; She who possesses the power of yoga

६५४. योगदा

She who bestows the power of yoga

६५५. योग्या

She who deserves yoga of all kinds

६५६. योगानन्दा

She who is the bliss attained through yoga; She who enjoys the bliss of yoga

६५७. युगन्धरा

She who is the bearer of the yugas

६५८. इच्छाशक्तिज्ञानशक्तिक्रियाशक्तिस्वरूपिणी

She who is in the form of the powers of will, knowledge and action

६५९. सर्वाधारा

She who is the support of all

६६०. सुप्रतीष्ठा

She who is firmly established

६६१. सदसद्रूपधारिणी

She who assumes the forms of both being and non-being

६६२. अष्टमूर्तिः

She who has eight forms

६६३. अजाजेत्री

She who conquers ignorance

६६४. लोकयात्रविधायिनी

She who directs the course of the worlds

६६५. एकाकिनी

She who is the lone one

६६६. भूमरूपा

She who is the aggregate of all existing things

६६७. निर्द्वैता

She who is without the sense of duality

६६८. द्वैतवर्जिता

She who is beyond duality

६६९. अन्नदा

She who is the giver of food to all living things

६७०. वसुदा

She who is the giver of wealth

६७१. वृद्धा

She who is ancient

६७२. ब्रह्मात्मैक्यस्वरूपिणी

She whose nature is the union of brahman and Atman

६७३. बृहती

She who is immense

६७४. ब्राह्मणी

She who is predominantly sAttvic

६७५. ब्राह्मी

She who presides over speech

६७६. ब्रह्मानन्दा

She who is ever immersed in the bliss of brahman

६७७. बलिप्रिया

She who is especially fond of sacrificial offerings

६७८. भाषारूपा

She who is in the form of language

६७९. बृहत्सेना

She who has a vast army

६८०. भावाभावविवर्जिता

She who is beyond being and non-being

६८१. सुखाराध्या

She who is easily worshipped

६८२. शुभकरी

She who does good

६८३. शोभनासुलभागतिः

She who is attained through a bright and easy path

६८४. राजराजेश्वरी

She who is the ruler of kings and emperors

६८५. राज्यदायिनी

She who gives dominion

६८६. राज्यवल्लभा

She who protects all the dominions

६८७. राजत्कृपा

She who has a compassion that captivates everyone

६८८. राजपीठनिवेशितनिजाश्रिता

She who establishes on royal thrones of those who take refuge in Her

६८९. राज्यलक्ष्मी

She who is the embodiment of the prosperity of the world

६९०. कोशनाथा

She who is the mistress of the treasury

६९१. चतुरङ्गबलेश्वरी

She who commands armies of four types

६९२. साम्राज्यदायिनी

She who is the bestower of imperial dominion

६९३. सत्यसन्धा

She who is devoted to (or maintains) truth

६९४. सागरमेखला

She who is girdled by the oceans

६९५. दीक्षिता

She who is under a vow

६९६. दैत्यशमनी

She who destroys the demons, wicked forces

६९७. सर्वलोकवशङ्करी

She who keeps all the worlds under Her control

६९८. सर्वार्थदात्री

She who grants all desires

६९९. सावित्री

She who is the creative power in the universe

७००. सच्चिदानन्दरूपिणी

She who is of the nature of existence, consciousness and bliss

७०१. देशकालापरिच्छिन्ना

She who is not limited by time and space; She who is not measured by time and space

७०२. सर्वगा

She who pervades all the worlds and all the living and non-living things; She who is omnipresent

७०३. सर्वमोहिनी

She who deludes all

७०४. सरस्वती

She who is in the form of knowledge

७०५. शास्त्रमयी

She who is in the form of the scriptures; She whose limbs are the scriptures

०६. गुहाम्बा

She who is the mother of guha (subramaNya); She who dwells in the cave of the heart

७०७. गुह्यरूपिणी

She who has a secret form

७०८. सर्वोपाधिविनिर्मुक्ता

She who is free from all limitations

७०९. सदाशिवपतिव्रता

She who is sadAshiva’s devoted wife

७१०. सम्प्रदायेश्वरी

She who is the guardian of sacred traditions

७११. साधु

She who possesses equanimity


She who is the symbol ‘I’ (Other versions show 711/712 as sAdhvI eventhough it is a repetition.)

७१३. गुरूमण्डलरूपिणी

She who embodies in Herself the lineage of Gurus

७१४. कुलोत्तीर्णा

She who transcends the senses

७१५. भगाराध्या

She who is worshipped in the sun’s disc

७१६. माया

She who is illusion

७१७. मधुमती

She whose nature is as sweet as honey

७१८. मही

She who is the goddess earth

७१९. गणाम्बा

She who is the mother of shiva’s attendants

७२०. गुह्यकाराध्या

She who is worshipped by guhyakas (a kind of devAs)

७२१. कोमलाङ्गी

She who has beautiful limbs

७२२. गुरुप्रिया

She who is beloved of the gurus

७२३. स्वतन्त्रा

She who is free from all limitations

७२४. सर्वतन्त्रेशी

She who is the goddess of all tantras

७२५. दक्षिणामूर्तिरूपिणी

She who is in the form of dakShiNAmUrti

७२६. सनकादिसमाराध्या

She who is worshipped by sanaka and other sages

७२७. शिवज्ञानप्रदायिनी

She who bestows the knowledge of siva

७२८. चित्कला

She who is the consciousness in brahman

७२९. आनन्दकलिका

She who is the bud of bliss

७३०. प्रेमरूपा

She who is pure love

७३१. प्रियङ्करी

She who grants what is dear to Her devotees

७३२. नामपारायणप्रीता

She who is pleased by the repetition of Her names

७३३. नन्दिविद्या

She who is the deity worshipped by the nandi mantra

७३४. नटेश्वरी

She who is the wife of natesha (shiva)

७३५. मिथ्याजगदधिष्ठाना

She who is the basis of the illusory universe

७३६. मुक्तिदा

She who gives liberation

७३७. मुक्तिरूपिणी

She who is in the form of liberation

७३८. लास्यप्रिया

She who is fond of the lAsya dance

७३९. लयकरी

She who causes absorption

७४०. लज्जा

She who exists as modesty in living beings

७४१. रम्भादिवन्दिता

She who is adored by the celestial damsels such as rambhA

७४२. भवदावसुधावृष्टिः

She who is the rain of nectar falling on the forest fire of worldly existence

७४३. पापारण्यदवानला

She who is like wild fire to the forest of sins

७४४. दौर्भाग्यतूलवातूला

She who is the gale that drives away the cotton wisps of misfortune

७४५. जराध्वान्तरविप्रभा

She who is the sunlight that dispels the darkness of old age

७४६. भाग्याब्धिचन्द्रिका

She who is the full moon to the ocean of good fortune

७४७. भक्तचित्तकेकिघनाघना

She who is the cloud that gladdens the peacocks who are the hearts of Her devotees

७४८. रोगपर्वतदम्भोलिः

She who is the thunderbolt that shatters the mountain of disease

७४९. मृत्युदारुकुठारिका

She who is the axe that cuts down the tree of death

७५०. महेश्वरी

She who is the supreme goddess

७५१. महाकाली

She who is the great kAli

७५२. महाग्रासा

She who devours everything great; She who is the great devourer

७५३. महाशना

She who eats everything that is great

७५४. अपर्णा

She who owes no debt

७५५. चण्डिका

She who is angry (at the wicked)

७५६. चण्डमुण्डासुरनिषूदिनी

She who killed chaNDa, muNDa and other asuras

७५७. क्षराक्षरात्मिका

She who is in the form of both the perishable and imperishable Atman

७५८. सर्वलोकेशी

She who is the ruler of all worlds

७५९. विश्वधारिणी

She who supports the universe

७६०. त्रिवर्गदात्री

She who bestows the three goals of life

७६१. सुभगा

She who is the seat of all prosperity

७६२. त्र्यम्बका

She who has three eyes

७६३. त्रिगुणात्मिका

She who is the essence of the three gunas

७६४. स्वर्गापवर्गदा

She who bestows heaven and liberation

७६५. शुद्धा

She who is the purest

७६६. जपापुष्पनिभाकृतिः

She whose body is like the hibiscus flower

७६७. ओजोवती

She who is full of vitality

७६८. द्युतिधरा

She who is full of light and splendor; She who has an aura of light

७६९. यज्ञरूपा

She who is in the form of sacrifice

७७०. प्रियव्रता

She who is fond of vows

७७१. दुराराध्या

She who is difficult to worship

७७२. दुराधर्षा

She who is difficult to control

७७३. पाटलीकुसुमप्रिया

She who is fond of the pATali flower (the pale red trumpet flower)

७७४. महती

She who is great; She who is in the form of mahatti (nArada’s vINa)

७७५. मेरुनिलया

She who resides in the meru mountain

७७६. मन्दारकुसुमप्रिया

She who is fond of the mandAra flowers

७७७. वीराराध्या

She who is worshipped by heroic persons

७७८. विराड्रूपा

She who is in the form of the cosmic whole

७७९. विरजा

She who is without rajas (desire and anger)

७८०. विश्वतोमुखी

She who faces all directions

७८१. प्रत्यग्रूपा

She who is the indwelling self

७८२. पराकाशा

She who is the transcendental ether (which is the material cause of the cosmic and individual bodies)

७८३. प्राणदा

She who is the giver of life

७८४. प्राणरूपिणी

She who is the nature of life

७८५. मार्ताण्डभैरवाराध्या

She who is worshipped by mArtANDabhairava

७८६. मन्त्रिणीन्यस्तराज्यधूः

She who has entrusted Her regal responsibilities to Her mantriNi

७८७. त्रिपुरेशी

She who is the goddess of tripura

७८८. जयत्सेना

She who has an army which is accustomed only to victory

७८९. निस्त्रैगुण्या

She who is devoid of the three guNas

७९०. परापरा

She who is both parA and aparA

७९१. सत्यज्ञानानन्दरूपा

She who is truth, knowledge and bliss

७९२. सामरस्यपरायणा

She who is immersed in a state of steady wisdom

७९३. कपर्दिनी

She who is the wife of kapardi (shiva, one with matted hair)

७९४. कलामाला

She who wears all sixty-four forms of art as a garland

७९५. कामधुक्

She who fulfills all desires

७९६. कामरूपिणी

She who has a desirable form

७९७. कलानिधिः

She who is the treasurehouse of all arts

७९८. काव्यकला

She who is the art of poetry

७९९. रसज्ञा

She who knows all the rasas

८००. रसशेवधिः

She who is the treasurehouse of rasa

८०१. पुष्टा

She who is always full of vigor, nourishment

८०२. पुरातना

She who is ancient

८०३. पूज्या

She who is worthy of worship by all

८०४. पुष्करा

She who is complete; She who gives bourishment to all

८०५. पुष्करेक्षणा

She who has eyes like lotus petals

८०६. परञ्ज्योतिः

She who is the supreme light

८०७. परन्धाम

She who is the supreme abode

८०८. परमाणुः

She who is the subtlest particle

८०९. परात्परा

She who is tshe most supreme of the supreme ones

८१०. पाशहस्ता

She who holds a noose in Her hand

८११. पाशहन्त्री

She who destroys the bonds

८१२. परमन्त्रविभेदिनी

She who breaks the spell of the evil mantras of the enemies

८१३. मूर्ता

She who has forms

८१४. अमूर्ता

She who has no definite form

८१५. अनित्यतृप्ता

She who is satisfied even by our perishable offerings

८१६. मुनिमानसहंसिका

She who is the swan in the mAnasa lake of the minds of sages

८१७. सत्यव्रता

She who abides firmly in truth

८१८. सत्यरूपा

She who is truth itself

८१९. सर्वान्तर्यामिनी

She who dwells inside all

८२०. सती

She who is reality, the eternal being

८२१. ब्रह्माणी

She who is the tail that is brahman; the support for all

८२२. ब्रह्म

She who is brahman

८२३. जननी

She who is the mother

८२४. बहुरूपा

She who has a multitude of forms

८२५. बुधार्चिता

She who is worshipped by the wise

८२६. प्रसवित्री

She who is mother of the universe

८२७. प्रचण्डा

She who is full of awe-inspiring wrath

८२८. आज्ञा

She who is divine commandment herself

८२९. प्रतिष्ठा

She who is the foundation

८३०. प्रकटाकृतिः

She who is manifested in the form of the universe

८३१. प्राणेश्वरी

She who lords over the five prANas and the senses

८३२. प्राणदात्री

She who is the giver of life

८३३. पञ्चाशत्पीठरूपिणी

She who has fifty centers of worship

८३४. विशृङ्खला

She who is unfettered, free in every way

८३५. विविक्तस्था

She who abides in secluded places

८३६. वीरमाता

She who is the mother of the valiant

८३७. वियत्प्रसूः

She who is the mother to the ether

८३८. मुकुन्दा

She who gives salvation

८३९. मुक्तिनिलया

She who is the abode of salvation

८४०. मूलविग्रहरूपिणी

She who is the root form of everything

८४१. भावज्ञा

She who is the knower of all thoughts and sentiments

८४२. भवरोगघ्नी

She who eradicates the diseases of the cycle of birth and death

८४३. भवचक्रप्रवर्तिनी

She who turns the wheel of the cycle of birth and death

८४४. छन्दःसारा

She who is the essence of all the vedas

८४५. शास्त्रसारा

She who is the essence of all scriptures

८४६. मन्त्रसारा

She who is the essence of all mantras

८४७. तलोदरी

She who is slender-waisted

८४८. उदारकीर्तिः

She who possesses exalted fame

८४९. उद्दामवैभवा

She whose prowess is unlimited

८५०. वर्णरूपिणी

She who is in the form of the letters of the alphabets

८५१. जन्ममृत्युजरातप्तजनविश्रान्तिदायिनी

She who gives peace and repose to those who are afflicted by birth, death and decrepitude

८५२. सर्वोपनिषदुद्घुष्टा

She who is celebrated by all the upaniShads

८५३. शान्त्यतीतकलात्मिका

She who transcends the state of peace

८५४. गम्भीरा

She who is unfathomable

८५५. गगनान्तस्था

She who resides in the ether, space

८५६. गर्विता

She who is proud

८५७. गानलोलुपा

She who delights in music

८५८. कल्पनारहिता

She who is free from imaginary attributes

८५९. काष्ठा

She who dwells in the highest state (beyond which there is nothing)

८६०. अकान्ता

She who ends all sins and sorrows

८६१. कान्तार्धविग्रहा

She who is half the body of Her husband

८६२. कार्यकारणनिर्मुक्ता

She who is free from the bond of cause and effect

८६३. कामकेलितरङ्गिता

She who is overflowing with pleasure in the union with kAmeshvara

८६४. कनत्कनकताटङ्का

She who wears glittering gold ear ornaments

८६५. लीलाविग्रहधारिणी

She who assumes various glorious forms as a sport

८६६. अजा

She who has no birth

८६७. क्षयविनिर्मुक्ता

She who is free from decay

८६८. मुग्धा

She who is captivating in Her beauty

८६९. क्षिप्रप्रसादिनी

She who is quickly pleased

८७०. अन्तर्मुखसमाराध्या

She who is to be worshipped internally (mentally)

८७१. बहिर्मुखसुदुर्लभा

She who is difficult to attain by those whose attention is

directed outwards

८७२. त्रयी

She who is the three vedas

८७३. त्रिवर्गनिलया

She who is the abode of the threefold aims of human life

८७४. त्रिस्था

She who resides in the three worlds

८७५. त्रिपुरमालिनी

She who is the goddess of the antardashAra chakra of the shri chakra

८७६. निरामया

She who is free from diseases of all kinds

८७७. निरालम्बा

She who depends on none

८७८. स्वात्मारामा

She who rejoices in Her own self

८७९. सुधास्रुतिः / सृतिः

She who is the source of nectar

८८०. संसारपङ्कनिर्मग्नसमुद्धरणपण्डिता

She who is skilled in raising those who are immersed in the mire of transmigratory life

८८१. यज्ञप्रिया

She who is fond all sacrifices and other rituals

८८२. यज्ञकर्त्री

She who is the doer of sacrificial rites

८८३. यजमानस्वरूपिणी

She who is in the form of yajamAna, who directs sacrificial rites

८८४. धर्माधारा

She who is the support of the code for righteous living

८८५. धनाध्यक्षा

She who oversees wealth

८८६. धनधान्यविवर्धिनी

She who increases wealth and harvests

८८७. विप्रप्रिया

She who is fond of the learned

८८८. विप्ररूपा

She who is in the form of a knower of the self

८८९. विश्वभ्रमणकारिणी

She who makes the universe go around through Her power of illusion

८९०. विश्वग्रासा

She who devours the universe

८९१. विद्रुमाभा

She who shines like coral (with Her red complexion)

८९२. वैष्णवी

She who is in the form of viShNu

८९३. विष्णुरूपिणी

She who is in a form that extends over the whole universe

८९४. अयोनिः

She who is without origin

८९५. योनिनिलया

She who is the seat of all origins

८९६. कूटस्था

She who remains unchanged like the anvil

८९७. कुलरूपिणी

She who is the deity of the kaula path

८९८. वीरगोष्ठीप्रिया

She who is fond of the assembly of warriors

८९९. वीरा

She who is heroic

९००. नैष्कर्म्या

She who abstains from actions

९०१. नादरूपिणी

She who is in the form of the primal sound

९०२. विज्ञानकलना

She who realizes the knowledge of brahman

९०३. कल्या

She who is capable of creation

९०४. विदग्धा

She who is expert in everything

९०५. बैन्दवासना

She who is seated in the baindava (spot between the eyebrows) chakra

९०६. तत्त्वाधिका

She who transcends all cosmic categories

९०७. तत्त्वमयी

She who is reality itself; she who is shiva Himself

९०८. तत्त्वमर्थस्वरूपिणी

She who is the meaning of tat (that) and tvam (thou)

९०९. सामगानप्रिया

She who is fond of the chanting of the sAma veda

९१०. सौम्या

She who is benign and gentle in nature; of a cool, gentle nature as the moon

९११. सदाशिवकुटुम्बिनी

She who is the wife of sadAshiva

९१२. सव्यापसव्यमार्गस्था

She who occupies (or can be reached by) both the left and right paths of worship

९१३. सर्वापद्विनिवारिणी

She who removes all dangers

९१४. स्वस्था

She who abides in Herself; She who is free from all afflictions

९१५. स्वभावमधुरा

She who is sweet in Her inherent nature

९१६. धीरा

She who is wise; She who gives wisdom

९१७. धीरसमर्चिता

She who is worshipped by the wise

९१८. चैतन्यार्घ्यसमाराध्या

She who is worshipped with consciousness as the oblation

९१९. चैतन्यकुसुमप्रिया

She who is fond of the flower that is consciousness

९२०. सदोदिता

She who is ever shining

९२१. सदातुष्टा

She who is ever pleased

९२२. तरुणादित्यपाटला

She who is rosy like the morning sun

९२३. दक्षिणादक्षिणाराध्या

She who is adored by both right and left-handed worshippers

९२४. दरस्मेरमुखाम्बुजा

She whose lotus face holds a sweet smile

९२५. कौलिनी केवला

She who is worshipped as pure knowledge (consciousness) by the spiritual aspirants following the kaula path

९२६. अनर्घ्यकैवल्यपददायिनी

She who confers the priceless fruit of final liberation

९२७. स्तोत्रप्रिया

She who is fond of hymns in Her praise

९२८. स्तुतिमती

She who is the true object, the essence, of all praises

९२९. श्रुतिसंस्तुतवैभवा

She whose glory is celebrated in the shrutis

९३०. मनस्विनी

She who is well-known for Her mind

९३१. मानवती

She who is high-minded; She who has great fame

९३२. महेशी

She who is the wife of mahesha (shiva)

९३३. मङ्गलाकृतिः

She who is of auspicious form

९३४. विश्वमाता

She who is the mother of the universe

९३५. जगद्धात्री

She who is the mother who protects and sustains the world

९३६. विशालाक्षी

She who has large eyes

९३७. विरागिणी

She who is dispassionate

९३८. प्रगल्भा

She who is skillful and confident

९३९. परमोदारा

She who is supremely generous

९४०. परामोदा

She who is supremely joyful

९४१. मनोमयी

She who is in the form of the mind

९४२. व्योमकेशी

She who has the sky as Her hair

९४३. विमानस्था

She who is seated in Her celestial chariot; She who journeys in Her celestial chariot along with the gods

९४४. वज्रिणी

She who bears the vajrA (thunderbolt) weapon

९४५. वामकेश्वरी

She who is the presiding deity of the vamakeshvara tantra

९४६. पञ्चयज्ञप्रिया

She who is fond of the five forms of sacrifices (agnihotrA, darshapUrnamAsa, chAturmAsya, goyaj~na and somayaj~na)

९४७. पञ्चप्रेतमञ्चाधिशायिनी

She who reclines on a couch made of the five corpses

९४८. पञ्चमी

She who is the fifth (after brahmA, viShNu, rudra and Ishvara)

९४९. पञ्चभूतेशी

She who is the goddess of the five elements

९५०. पञ्चसङ्ख्योपचारिणी

She who is worshipped using five objects (fragrance, flower, incense, lamp and food) of worship

९५१. शाश्वती

She who is eternal

९५२. शाश्वतैश्वर्या

She who holds eternal sovereignty

९५३. शर्मदा

She who is the giver of happiness

९५४. शम्भुमोहिनी

She who deludes shiva

९५५. धरा

She who is mother earth

९५६. धरसुता

She who is the daughter of dhara (himavat)

९५७. धन्या

She who possessses great wealth; She who is extremely blessed

९५८. धर्मिणी

She who is righteous

९५९. धर्मवर्धिनी

She who promotes righteousness

९६०. लोकातीता

She who transcends the worlds

९६१. गुणातीता

She who transcends the guNAs

९६२. सर्वातीता

She who transcends everything

९६३. शमात्मिका

She who is of the nature of peace and bliss

९६४. बन्धूककुसुमप्रख्या

She who resembles the bandhUka flower in beauty and grace

९६५. बाला

She who never forsakes the nature of a child

९६६. लीलाविनोदिनी

She who delights in Her sport

९६७. सुमङ्गली

She who is eternally auspicious; She who never becomes a widow

९६८. सुखकरी

She who gives happiness

९६९. सुवेषाढ्या

She who is very attractive in Her beautiful rich garments and ornaments

९७०. सुवासिनी

She who is ever auspiciously married

९७१. सुवासिन्यर्चनप्रीता

She who is pleased by the worship performed by married women

९७२. आशोभना

She who is always radiant

९७३. शुद्धमानसा

She who is of pure mind; one who purifies the mind of Her worshipers

९७४. बिन्दुतर्पणसन्तुष्टा

She who is pleased by offerings to the bindu (of shrichakra)

९७५. पूर्वजा

She who is ahead of everyone; first born

९७६. त्रिपुराम्बिका

She who is the mother of the tripuras (three cities)

९७७. दशमुद्रासमाराध्या

She who is worshipped by ten mudras (sarva sa~NkShobhini,sarvavidrAvinI, sarvAkarshini, sarvavashankari, sarvonmAdinI, sarvamahankusha, sarvakhechari, sarva bIja, sarva yoni, sarva trikhaNDA)

९७८. त्रिपुराश्रीवशङ्करी

She for whom tripurAshrI is under control

९७९. ज्ञानमुद्रा

She who is in the form of the j~nAna mudrA

९८०. ज्ञानगम्या

She who is to be attained through the yoga of knowledge

९८१. ज्ञानज्ञेयस्वरूपिणी

She who is both knowledge and the known

९८२. योनिमुद्रा

She who is in the form of the yonimudrA

९८३. त्रिखण्डेशी

She who is the ruler of the tenth mudrA, the trikhaNDa

९८४. त्रिगुणा

She who is endowed with the three guNas of sattva, rajas and tamas

९८५. अम्बा

She who is mother of all beings; mother of the universe

९८६. त्रिकोणगा

She who resides in the triangle

९८७. अनघा

She who is sinless

९८८. अद्भुतचारित्रा

She whose deeds are marvelous

९८९. वाञ्छितार्थप्रदायिनी

She who gives all the desired objects

९९०. अभ्यासातिशयज्ञाता

She who is known only through the exceedingly streneous practice

of spiritual discipline

९९१. षडध्वातीतरूपिणी

She whose form transcends the six paths

९९२. अव्याजकरुणामूर्तिः

She who is pure compassion

९९३. अज्ञानध्वान्तदीपिका

She who is the bright lamp that dispels the darkness of ignorance

९९४. आबालगोपविदिता

She who is known well by all, even by children and cowherds

९९५. सर्वानुल्लङ्घ्यशासना

She whose commands are not disobeyed by anyone

९९६. श्रीचक्रराजनिलया

She who abides in shrichakra, the king of chakras

९९७. श्रीमत्त्रिपुरसुन्दरी

She who is the divine tripurasundarI devI

९९८. श्रीशिवा

She who is the auspicious and divine shiva

९९९. शिवशक्तैक्यरूपिणी

She who is the union of shiva and shaktI into one form

१०००. ललिताम्बिका

She who is the divine mother lalittha. She who is attached to the samaya form of worship

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam Stotram Benefits

lalitha sahasranamam meaning & lyrics

It is believed that Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam is the most flavoured form of prayer offered to the Divine Mother. It is said to be more powerful than any other forms of tantra or mantra. Here are some of the benefits of chanting Sri Lalitha Sahasranmam:

    • If recited on a full moon day, it eradicates all diseases and guarantees long life.
    • Upon chanting this prayer, you get the fruits of taking 1 crore baths in the River Ganges. You get the benefits of feeding one crore Brahmins, the benefits of establishing one crore lingas, teaching one crore students.
    • If a person recites the 1000 names in fever, the fever would surely descend and go away.
    • To get rid of diseases, one can touch the holy ash and recite the 1000 names to cure all the ailments.
    • It also benefits from getting rid of planetary effects.
    • A lady can offer butter to the Divine Mother and chant these 1000 names to get blessed with a son.
    • Chanting this stotram also protects you from any black magic effect.
    • If you read the hymn daily for six months, Goddess Lakshmi comes and stays permanently in your house.
    • You can read this stotram to get pardoned for the sins of your life.
    • Reading this daily for a month gets you good voice and speech.
    • Regular recitation of this prayer is as beneficial as visiting the places of religion, taking bath in a holy river, offering materials and food to God.
    • Regular chanting of this stotram wards off premature death and blesses the chanter with a long and healthy life.
    • It also saves you from the attacks of enemies and from accidents.
  •     It gets the blessings of the Divine Mother for fame, good will, word power and more.

Lalitha Sahasranamam Stotram – How to Recite?

The first important thing is to understand the meaning of each of the verse of the Lalitha Sahasranamam. The second thing is purity and devotion. Take bath, wear washed clothes and sit on a mat to start chanting the prayer in the morning. Recite the entire hymn with complete faith and devotion and do it on a daily basis at least for 40 days at a stretch. It is good to continue the recitation for the entire life to find benefits in everyday life.

The best time to recite Lalitha Sahasranamam are – one’s birthday, family members’ birthdays, mantra initiation day, full moon day, Maha navmi day and all Fridays. It is much preferable to read this stotram on all Fridays and full moon days. Remember not to recite the prayer in a hurry. Make sure you recite it with full concentration understanding the meaning of each verse.

Each of the thousand names of Sri Lalitha is a powerful weapon in itself for various types of problems in everyday life. We hope this post helps you understand the meaning of this powerful prayer to please the Divine Mother.



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