What is Spiritual Awakening – Explained

by | Mar 29, 2016 | Uncategorized

A spiritual awakening is getting to become more aware of oneself on a much deeper and higher level and that what is real.  It refers to a shift in consciousness. The person who is in the spiritual awakening path will start having in-depth awareness on what is going on around them and within themselves and they will also be more aware of their life experiences that they come across and will have learning from those experiences. The person will start sensing more satisfaction and will be at peace with their environments, themselves and with other people. They will start to accept who they are and let go of any unhappy, frustrating and bad feelings that they had towards their life and people. They will gradually go through a healing process of their body, soul and mind. The Person will start altering everything from inside. And since everything inside is getting transformed, the person has to get adjusted to everything outside.  They will start seeing the world in a different way and their previous views and opinions may change drastically. This is little frightening in our culture as we are all so bound up in attachments that any little tremor on the cords that bind us will inevitably cause disharmony with others. Hope you got an idea on what is Spiritual Awakening now.

What is Spiritual Awakening

Real spiritual awakening experience is not all smooth. It can involve removing some very dreadful, and throbbing trapped negative emotions and energies from our past. With continued new found awareness, allows the old karmic energies to be released and replaced with the light. Resistance to moving forward can causes depression or pain. By going with the flow, we allow a lovely spiritual awakening within us and eventually add to the positive collective vibration of the Cosmos. This process allows us to live our best life and embrace the power of positivism available to us at all times through divine energy.

When a person begins the spiritual journey they will go through different experiences of awakening, because every person is different and responds differently to a spiritual awakening the time frame and Spiritual Awakening Symptoms  or Spiritual Awakening Signs will vary from one person to the other. A spiritual awakening can take days, years or even next life till the awakening process is completed.

Why do we need Spiritual Awakening Experience

This is really important in the spiritual process, to understand your intention and setting an intention in alignment with what you truly want.

This will perhaps be your homework prior to getting into Spiritual path. You can also do it as you go along the way, but it would be better if you understand what you’re trying to get, so stronger the intention you can set. For instance, you may want to be more contented in life. That’s a great intention. The spiritual path can lead you to amazing bliss. But wait, do you want to be happier in just your romantic life and want all the rest to stay the same? Or do you want a more rewarding career and would like to leave the rest alone? Here lies the rub. Spiritual awakening changes everything. You can’t limit it to one aspect of your life. It’s an everyday introspection and every day challenge to interact with deep integrity with the world. If you are willing to let go of everything to embrace a deeper more full happiness, then you’re in the right place.
However, this Spiritual path isn’t that sugary, there will be some karmic crap to dig out of your soul. And of course, it’s beautiful too. The depth of connection, affection and awareness that you can touch when you clear away the trash you’ve buried your soul under will leave you shaky. The heights are unlike anything you can imagine. And the daily strength of your own presence will overwhelm you. You actually are a stunning and joyful being, and if you are ready and willing to get on upon the spiritual path, an awakening may come to you to show you just how amazing you really are.

Now we are clear on what is Spiritual Awakening and why do you want Spiritual Awakening, One needs to get into the actual Process of Spiritual Awakening.

Doing Yoga, Meditation and attending Spiritual lectures is really important in this process as it helps to build that framework to hold you and guide your energy through the process. The framework will help you to accept and appreciate the change that’s coming, the change that’s happening, and the transformed person you become.





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